Page 16 - Passover Sedar
P. 16
Hebrew for Christians Worthy is the Lamb
Kadesh – The First Cup Step: 2
We begin by
sanctifying our
time together
by reciting
kiddush for the
Leader: Now that the candles have been lit and we are comfortably seated around the
table, we are ready to officially begin our Passover Seder. Tonight we will drink four cups
of wine (or grape juice), each recalling a special promise made by God to our people.
Reader 1: “I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the
Egyptians, and I will deliver you from slavery to them, and I will redeem you with an
outstretched arm and with great acts of judgment. I will take you to be my people, and I
will be your God, and you shall know that I am the LORD your God, who has brought
you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians” (Exod. 6:6-7).
Leader: These four promises are symbolized by four cups, traditionally referred to as:
1. The Cup of Sanctification – “I will bring you out (ytiaceAh) from Egypt” Each person
may fill the
2. The Cup of Deliverance – “I will deliver you (yTil.C;hi) from Egyptian bondage” wine cup of
the person
3. The Cup of Redemption – “I will redeem you (yTil.a;g) with a My power” seated next
to him or her
4. The Cup of Restoration – “I will acquire you (yTix.q;l') as My people” at this time.
In Hebrew, the word for “holiness” is kedushah, meaning “set-apartness.” When
God said that He would bring the Israelites out of Egypt, He separated them and set Reader 2:
them apart as his own special people. During the Exodus, their passage through the “Our fathers
cloud and the sea were likened to their “baptism” or rebirth as God’s people. were all
under the
cloud, and all
The first cup is called the “Cup of Sanctification” since it recalls how God has passed
set us apart as His special people. This is the same cup over which we recite through the
sea, and all
Kiddush (vWDqi) on the Sabbath, except tonight we will recite it over the first cup of were
Passover. Of Yeshua it is said, “Messiah our sanctification” (1 Cor. 1:30). baptized into
Moses in the
cloud and in
Which cups did Yeshua drink during his Passover Seder with his disciples? He the sea.”
apparently drank the first two cups in the traditional way. At the third cup, the 1 Cor. 10:1-2
Cup of Redemption, he said: “This is my blood of the New Covenant” (Matt 26:27-
39). Yeshua told his disciples that He would not drink the fourth cup (the Cup of
Restoration), but promised to do so with them in the coming Kingdom (Matt 26:29).