Page 38 - Passover Sedar
P. 38

Hebrew for Christians
                                                          Worthy is the Lamb

                   Singing Dayenu

                   Leader:  In light of all that God has done for us, we surely should express our heartfelt
                   gratitude and give thanks for our salvation. It is customary, then, to sing some verses of
                   the ancient Hebrew song Dayenu (“it would have been enough for us”) at this time:

           All sing!

                             Hebrew                              Translation

                              Verse 1:                           ...
                             Ilu hotzi, hotzianu                 Had He brought, brought all of us,
                             Hotzianu miMitzrayim (2x)           brought all of us, out from Egypt,    Because of
                             Dayenu.                             then it would have been enough!       Yeshua our
                                                                                                       LORD, we have
                                                                                                       the very
                             Verse 2:                            ...                                   greatest of all
                                                                                                       reasons to cry
                             Ilu natan, natan lanu               Had He given, given to us,            out, "Dayenu!"
                             Natan lanu et haTorah (2x)          given to us, the Torah,               Rom. 8:31-39
                             Dayenu.                             then it would have been enough!

                             Verse 3:                            ...
                             Ilu shalach, shalach lanu           Had He sent, sent to us,
                             Shalach lanu et Mashiach (2x)       sent to us the Messiah,
                             Dayenu.                             then it would have been enough!

                             Chorus:                             ...
                             Dai, dai, yenu (3x)                 It would have been enough! (3x)
                             Dayenu                              It would have been enough!
                             Dayenu!                             It would have been enough!

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