Page 41 - Passover Sedar
P. 41

Hebrew for Christians
                                                          Worthy is the Lamb

                   Thanking God for Deliverance

                   Leader:  Of all the blessings we will recite this night, surely one of the most important is
                   to thank God for the way of salvation given to us in His Son Yeshua, the great Lamb of
                   God who takes away the sins of the world. Let us recite the following Hebrew blessing
                   that offers thanks and praise to the LORD our God:

             All Recite:

                                                                                                  “You shall call his
                                                                                                  Name Yeshua
                                                                                                  ([WvyE), for he will
               y"y> hT'a; $WrB                                                                    save his people
             h['Wvy !r<q, x;ymic.m;                                                               from their sins.”
                                                                                                  – Matt. 1:21
            “Praised are you,
            Lord, who assures
            our salvation…”                                                                       “For our sake he
                                                                                                  made him to be
                                                                                                  sin who knew no
                                                                                                  sin, so that in him
                                                                                                  we might become
                                                                                                  the righteousness
                                                                                                  of God.”

                                                                                                  - 2 Cor. 5:21

                           Barukh  attah  Adonai  Eloheinu  melekh  ha’olam,
                                asher  natan  lanu  et  derekh  ha’yeshuah

                                 ba’mashiach  Yeshua  barukh  hu.  Amen.

                                    “Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe,
                                             Who gave to us the way of salvation
                                     through the Messiah Yeshua, blessed be He. Amen.”

                   Leader:  The deliverance we have in Yeshua both clears us of guilt and sin while investing us
                   with the power and righteousness of God through faith. We are “justified” in Yeshua - “just-if-
                   I’d” never sinned - and “just-if-I’d” always obeyed. This is the miracle of the “exchanged life”
                   - the Korban Principle of the sacrifice Messiah for our deliverance (2 Cor. 5:21). Because of
                   the great salvation given to us in the Messiah, we are no longer regarded as “slaves in the
                   house” but rather are set free and made heirs of God through Yeshua our LORD.

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