Page 43 - Passover Sedar
P. 43

Hebrew for Christians
                                                          Worthy is the Lamb

                   Motzi Matzah – Eating the Matzah                                                 Step:  8

                   Leader:  We are now ready to eat some matzah – but not just any matzah - but the very
                   special matzah that represents our fathers Abraham and Isaac, the great patriarchs of our
                   faith, who demonstrated the truth of God’s sacrificial love by the binding of Isaac upon the
                   altar. I will now open the matzah tosh and take out the top and middle matzah, representing
                   Abraham and Isaac, and break off some pieces for everyone here....  Before we eat of this
                   special matzah, however, we will recite two traditional Hebrew blessings. First we will recite
                   the familiar blessing over the bread, and then we will recite the blessing over the matzah,
                   which will mark the start of our observance of the seven-day festival of Unleavened Bread.

                   First, then, let us all recite the traditional blessing over the bread:

                   All Recite:

                          Barukh  attah  Adonai,  Eloheinu  melekh  ha’olam,

                                        ha’motzi  lechem  min  ha’aretz

                                   “Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe,
                                           Who brings forth bread from the earth.”

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