Page 7 - Directors manual final
P. 7
a) Members of the Society shall be the subscribers to this constitution and these
Bylaws and those people whose application for Membership in the Society has
been approved by the Directors of the Society and, in either case, have not
ceased to be members.
b) Only Members of the Society can vote at a meeting of the Society.
c) The subscribers to this constitution and these Bylaws shall have the same rights
and duties as any other Members.
d) The Membership fees if any shall be determined by the Members at a meeting of
the Society.
e) A Member may be expelled from the Society by a Special Resolution of the
Members pass a a meeting called for that purpose.
f) At a meeting mentioned in Bylaw 2 (e) a Member shall have the right to speak in
his or her own behalf before the Special Resolution is put to a vote.
g) All Members are in good standing except a member who has failed to pay their
current annual Membership fee or any other subscription of debt due and owing
by them to the Society and they are not in good standing so long as the debt re-
mains unpaid.
(a) An annual general meeting shall be held at least once in every calendar year
and shall be held within six (6) months of the end of the Society's' fiscal year.
(b) Special meetings of the Members may be called upon written request to the Sec-
retary by not less than ten percent (10%) of the Membership but in no case by
less than two (2) Members.
(c) Not less than 14 days notice of a meeting of the Society shall be given to its
Members entitled to receive notice of a meeting. Every notice of a meeting of the
Members, shall state the place, the day and the hour of the meeting and the na-
ture of the business of the meeting. Accidental omissions to give notice of a
meeting to, or the non-receipt of notice of a meeting by, any Member will not
RDHS Directors Manual 7