Page 391 - madame-bovary
P. 391

the ‘Hirondelle.’ In his hand he held tied in a silk handker-
            chief six cheminots for his wife.
              Madame  Homais  was  very  fond  of  these  small,  heavy
           turban-shaped loaves, that are eaten in Lent with salt but-
           ter; a last vestige of Gothic food that goes back, perhaps, to
           the time of the Crusades, and with which the robust Nor-
           mans gorged themselves of yore, fancying they saw on the
           table, in the light of the yellow torches, between tankards
            of hippocras and huge boars’ heads, the heads of Saracens
           to be devoured. The druggist’s wife crunched them up as
           they had done—heroically, despite her wretched teeth. And
            so whenever Homais journeyed to town, he never failed to
            bring her home some that he bought at the great baker’s in
           the Rue Massacre.
              ‘Charmed to see you,’ he said, offering Emma a hand to
           help her into the ‘Hirondelle.’ Then he hung up his chemi-
           nots to the cords of the netting, and remained bare-headed
           in an attitude pensive and Napoleonic.
              But when the blind man appeared as usual at the foot of
           the hill he exclaimed—
              ‘I can’t understand why the authorities tolerate such cul-
           pable  industries.  Such  unfortunates  should  be  locked  up
            and forced to work. Progress, my word! creeps at a snail’s
           pace. We are floundering about in mere barbarism.’
              The blind man held out his hat, that flapped about at the
            door,  as  if  it  were  a  bag  in  the  lining  that  had  come  un-
              ‘This,’ said the chemist, ‘is a scrofulous affection.’
              And though he knew the poor devil, he pretended to see

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