Page 234 - of-human-bondage-
P. 234
‘Yes, awfully.’
When he tried to kiss her again she did not resist. He
pretended to be much more passionate than he really was,
and he succeeded in playing a part which looked very well
in his own eyes.
‘I’m beginning to be rather frightened of you,’ said Miss
‘You’ll come out after supper, won’t you?’ he begged.
‘Not unless you promise to behave yourself.’
‘I’ll promise anything.’
He was catching fire from the flame he was partly simu-
lating, and at tea-time he was obstreperously merry. Miss
Wilkinson looked at him nervously.
‘You mustn’t have those shining eyes,’ she said to him af-
terwards. ‘What will your Aunt Louisa think?’
‘I don’t care what she thinks.’
Miss Wilkinson gave a little laugh of pleasure. They had
no sooner finished supper than he said to her:
‘Are you going to keep me company while I smoke a ciga-
‘Why don’t you let Miss Wilkinson rest?’ said Mrs. Carey.
‘You must remember she’s not as young as you.’
‘Oh, I’d like to go out, Mrs. Carey,’ she said, rather ac-
‘After dinner walk a mile, after supper rest a while,’ said
the Vicar.
‘Your aunt is very nice, but she gets on my nerves some-
times,’ said Miss Wilkinson, as soon as they closed the
side-door behind them.