Page 235 - of-human-bondage-
P. 235

Philip threw away the cigarette he had just lighted, and
           flung his arms round her. She tried to push him away.
              ‘You promised you’d be good, Philip.’
              ‘You  didn’t  think  I  was  going  to  keep  a  promise  like
              ‘Not so near the house, Philip,’ she said. ‘Supposing some-
            one should come out suddenly?’
              He led her to the kitchen garden where no one was like-
            ly to come, and this time Miss Wilkinson did not think of
            earwigs. He kissed her passionately. It was one of the things
           that puzzled him that he did not like her at all in the morn-
           ing, and only moderately in the afternoon, but at night the
           touch of her hand thrilled him. He said things that he would
           never have thought himself capable of saying; he could cer-
           tainly never have said them in the broad light of day; and he
            listened to himself with wonder and satisfaction.
              ‘How beautifully you make love,’ she said.
              That was what he thought himself.
              ‘Oh, if I could only say all the things that burn my heart!’
           he murmured passionately.
              It was splendid. It was the most thrilling game he had
            ever played; and the wonderful thing was that he felt almost
            all he said. It was only that he exaggerated a little. He was
           tremendously interested and excited in the effect he could
            see it had on her. It was obviously with an effort that at last
            she suggested going in.
              ‘Oh, don’t go yet,’ he cried.
              ‘I must,’ she muttered. ‘I’m frightened.’
              He had a sudden intuition what was the right thing to

                                               Of Human Bondage
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