Page 435 - of-human-bondage-
P. 435

They often went to have tea at a shop in Parliament Street,
            because Dunsford admired one of the young women who
           waited. Philip did not find anything attractive in her. She
           was tall and thin, with narrow hips and the chest of a boy.
              ‘No  one  would  look  at  her  in  Paris,’  said  Philip  scorn-
              ‘She’s got a ripping face,’ said Dunsford.
              ‘What DOES the face matter?’
              She had the small regular features, the blue eyes, and the
            broad low brow, which the Victorian painters, Lord Leigh-
           ton,  Alma  Tadema,  and  a  hundred  others,  induced  the
           world they lived in to accept as a type of Greek beauty. She
            seemed to have a great deal of hair: it was arranged with pe-
            culiar elaboration and done over the forehead in what she
            called an Alexandra fringe. She was very anaemic. Her thin
            lips were pale, and her skin was delicate, of a faint green co-
            lour, without a touch of red even in the cheeks. She had very
            good teeth. She took great pains to prevent her work from
            spoiling her hands, and they were small, thin, and white.
           She went about her duties with a bored look.
              Dunsford, very shy with women, had never succeeded in
            getting into conversation with her; and he urged Philip to
           help him.
              ‘All I want is a lead,’ he said, ‘and then I can manage for
              Philip, to please him, made one or two remarks, but she
            answered with monosyllables. She had taken their measure.
           They were boys, and she surmised they were students. She
           had no use for them. Dunsford noticed that a man with san-

                                               Of Human Bondage
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