Page 438 - of-human-bondage-
P. 438

of his weakness, he left Dunsford and went straight to the
       shop which he had vowed never again to enter. He saw the
       waitress the moment he came in and sat down at one of her
       tables. He expected her to make some reference to the fact
       that he had not been there for a week, but when she came
       up for his order she said nothing. He had heard her say to
       other customers:
         ‘You’re quite a stranger.’
          She gave no sign that she had ever seen him before. In
       order to see whether she had really forgotten him, when she
       brought his tea, he asked:
         ‘Have you seen my friend tonight?’
         ‘No, he’s not been in here for some days.’
          He wanted to use this as the beginning of a conversation,
       but he was strangely nervous and could think of nothing to
       say. She gave him no opportunity, but at once went away. He
       had no chance of saying anything till he asked for his bill.
         ‘Filthy weather, isn’t it?’ he said.
          It  was  mortifying  that  he  had  been  forced  to  prepare
       such a phrase as that. He could not make out why she filled
       him with such embarrassment.
         ‘It don’t make much difference to me what the weather is,
       having to be in here all day.’
         There was an insolence in her tone that peculiarly irri-
       tated him. A sarcasm rose to his lips, but he forced himself
       to be silent.
         ‘I  wish  to  God  she’d  say  something  really  cheeky,’  he
       raged  to  himself,  ‘so  that  I  could  report  her  and  get  her
       sacked. It would serve her damned well right.’
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