Page 439 - of-human-bondage-
P. 439
e could not get her out of his mind. He laughed an-
Hgrily at his own foolishness: it was absurd to care what
an anaemic little waitress said to him; but he was strange-
ly humiliated. Though no one knew of the humiliation but
Dunsford, and he had certainly forgotten, Philip felt that
he could have no peace till he had wiped it out. He thought
over what he had better do. He made up his mind that he
would go to the shop every day; it was obvious that he had
made a disagreeable impression on her, but he thought he
had the wits to eradicate it; he would take care not to say
anything at which the most susceptible person could be of-
fended. All this he did, but it had no effect. When he went in
and said good-evening she answered with the same words,
but when once he omitted to say it in order to see whether
she would say it first, she said nothing at all. He murmured
in his heart an expression which though frequently applica-
ble to members of the female sex is not often used of them in
polite society; but with an unmoved face he ordered his tea.
He made up his mind not to speak a word, and left the shop
without his usual good-night. He promised himself that he
would not go any more, but the next day at tea-time he grew
restless. He tried to think of other things, but he had no
command over his thoughts. At last he said desperately:
‘After all there’s no reason why I shouldn’t go if I want
Of Human Bondage