Page 18 - Health Hero
P. 18
When you've acclimated yourself to juicing, you may begin adding
these veggies:
• Red lettuce
• Green lettuce
• Romaine lettuce
• Endive
• Escarole
• Spinach
After you're used to these, then go to the following step:
• Cabbage
• Chinese Cabbage
• Bok Choy
• Kale
• Collard Greens
• Dandelion Greens
• Mustard Greens (bitter)
If purchasing collard greens, find a store that sells the leaves still
attached to the main stalk. If they're cut off, the veggie rapidly loses
a lot of its useful nutrients.
If you would like to make your juice taste a little more palatable,
particularly to begin with, you may add these components:
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