Page 154 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 154

Nostromo,  the  Mediterranean  sailor  come  ashore  casu-
       ally  to  try  his  luck  in  Costaguana,  rode  slowly  towards
       the harbour. The Juno was just then swinging round; and
       even as Nostromo reined up again to look on, a flag ran up
       on the improvised flagstaff erected in an ancient and dis-
       mantled little fort at the harbour entrance. Half a battery
       of  field  guns  had  been  hurried  over  there  from  the  Sula-
       co barracks for the purpose of firing the regulation salutes
       for  the  President-Dictator  and  the  War  Minister.  As  the
       mail-boat headed through the pass, the badly timed reports
       announced the end of Don Vincente Ribiera’s first official
       visit to Sulaco, and for Captain Mitchell the end of another
       ‘historic occasion.’ Next time when the ‘Hope of honest men’
       was to come that way, a year and a half later, it was unoffi-
       cially, over the mountain tracks, fleeing after a defeat on a
       lame mule, to be only just saved by Nostromo from an igno-
       minious death at the hands of a mob. It was a very different
       event, of which Captain Mitchell used to say—
         ‘It  was  history—history,  sir!  And  that  fellow  of  mine,
       Nostromo, you know, was right in it. Absolutely making
       history, sir.’
          But this event, creditable to Nostromo, was to lead im-
       mediately to another, which could not be classed either as
       ‘history’ or as ‘a mistake’ in Captain Mitchell’s phraseology.
       He had another word for it.
         ‘Sir’ he used to say afterwards, ‘that was no mistake. It
       was a fatality. A misfortune, pure and simple, sir. And that
       poor fellow of mine was right in it—right in the middle of
       it! A fatality, if ever there was one—and to my mind he has

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