Page 157 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 157


              HROUGH good and evil report in the varying fortune
           Tof that struggle which Don Jose had characterized in the
           phrase, ‘the fate of national honesty trembles in the balance,’
           the  Gould  Concession,  ‘Imperium  in  Imperio,’  had  gone
            on working; the square mountain had gone on pouring its
           treasure down the wooden shoots to the unresting batteries
            of stamps; the lights of San Tome had twinkled night after
           night upon the great, limitless shadow of the Campo; every
           three months the silver escort had gone down to the sea as
           if neither the war nor its consequences could ever affect the
            ancient Occidental State secluded beyond its high barrier
            of the Cordillera. All the fighting took place on the other
            side of that mighty wall of serrated peaks lorded over by the
           white dome of Higuerota and as yet unbreached by the rail-
           way, of which only the first part, the easy Campo part from
           Sulaco to the Ivie Valley at the foot of the pass, had been
            laid. Neither did the telegraph line cross the mountains yet;
           its poles, like slender beacons on the plain, penetrated into
           the forest fringe of the foot-hills cut by the deep avenue of
           the track; and its wire ended abruptly in the construction
            camp at a white deal table supporting a Morse apparatus, in
            a long hut of planks with a corrugated iron roof overshad-
            owed by gigantic cedar trees—the quarters of the engineer
           in charge of the advance section.

           1                         Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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