Page 225 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 225

not return for two days. The police would have laid the Ital-
           ian by the heels if it had not been for fear of the Cargadores,
            a turbulent body of men, quite apt to raise a tumult. Now-
            adays it was not so easy to govern Sulaco. Bad characters
           flocked into it, attracted by the money in the pockets of the
           railway workmen. The populace was made restless by Father
           Corbelan’s discourses. And the first magistrate explained to
           Charles Gould that now the province was stripped of troops
            any outbreak of lawlessness would find the authorities with
           their boots off, as it were.
              Then he went away moodily to sit in an armchair, smok-
           ing  a  long,  thin  cigar,  not  very  far  from  Don  Jose,  with
           whom, bending over sideways, he exchanged a few words
           from time to time. He ignored the entrance of the priest,
            and whenever Father Corbelan’s voice was raised behind
           him, he shrugged his shoulders impatiently.
              Father  Corbelan  had  remained  quite  motionless  for  a
           time with that something vengeful in his immobility which
            seemed  to  characterize  all  his  attitudes.  A  lurid  glow  of
            strong convictions gave its peculiar aspect to the black fig-
           ure. But its fierceness became softened as the padre, fixing
           his  eyes  upon  Decoud,  raised  his  long,  black  arm  slowly,
              ‘And you—you are a perfect heathen,’ he said, in a sub-
            dued, deep voice.
              He made a step nearer, pointing a forefinger at the young
           man’s breast. Decoud, very calm, felt the wall behind the
            curtain with the back of his head. Then, with his chin tilted
           well up, he smiled.

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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