Page 230 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 230

confirmatory word, a grunt of assent, a simple nod even.
          He could get nothing. His alarm increased, and in the
       pauses  he  would  dart  his  eyes  here  and  there;  then,  loth
       to give up, he would branch off into feeling allusion to the
       dangers of his journey. The audacious Hernandez, leaving
       his  usual  haunts,  had  crossed  the  Campo  of  Sulaco,  and
       was known to be lurking in the ravines of the coast range.
       Yesterday, when distant only a few hours from Sulaco, the
       hide  merchant  and  his  servants  had  seen  three  men  on
       the road arrested suspiciously, with their horses’ heads to-
       gether. Two of these rode off at once and disappeared in a
       shallow quebrada to the left. ‘We stopped,’ continued the
       man from Esmeralda, ‘and I tried to hide behind a small
       bush. But none of my mozos would go forward to find out
       what it meant, and the third horseman seemed to be wait-
       ing for us to come up. It was no use. We had been seen. So
       we rode slowly on, trembling. He let us pass—a man on a
       grey horse with his hat down on his eyes—without a word
       of greeting; but by-and-by we heard him galloping after us.
       We faced about, but that did not seem to intimidate him. He
       rode up at speed, and touching my foot with the toe of his
       boot, asked me for a cigar, with a blood-curdling laugh. He
       did not seem armed, but when he put his hand back to reach
       for the matches I saw an enormous revolver strapped to his
       waist. I shuddered. He had very fierce whiskers, Don Car-
       los, and as he did not offer to go on we dared not move. At
       last, blowing the smoke of my cigar into the air through his
       nostrils, he said, ‘Senor, it would be perhaps better for you
       if I rode behind your party. You are not very far from Su-
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