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sign,  made  no  sound.  The  impenetrability  of  the  embod-
       ied Gould Concession had its surface shades. To be dumb is
       merely a fatal affliction; but the King of Sulaco had words
       enough to give him all the mysterious weight of a taciturn
       force. His silences, backed by the power of speech, had as
       many  shades  of  significance  as  uttered  words  in  the  way
       of assent, of doubt, of negation—even of simple comment.
       Some seemed to say plainly, ‘Think it over”; others meant
       clearly, ‘Go ahead”; a simple, low ‘I see,’ with an affirma-
       tive nod, at the end of a patient listening half-hour was the
       equivalent of a verbal contract, which men had learned to
       trust implicitly, since behind it all there was the great San
       Tome mine, the head and front of the material interests, so
       strong that it depended on no man’s goodwill in the whole
       length and breadth of the Occidental Province—that is, on
       no goodwill which it could not buy ten times over. But to
       the little hook-nosed man from Esmeralda, anxious about
       the export of hides, the silence of Charles Gould portended
       a failure. Evidently this was no time for extending a modest
       man’s  business.  He  enveloped  in  a  swift  mental  maledic-
       tion the whole country, with all its inhabitants, partisans
       of  Ribiera  and  Montero  alike;  and  there  were  incipient
       tears in his mute anger at the thought of the innumerable
       ox-hides going to waste upon the dreamy expanse of the
       Campo, with its single palms rising like ships at sea within
       the perfect circle of the horizon, its clumps of heavy tim-
       ber motionless like solid islands of leaves above the running
       waves  of  grass.  There  were  hides  there,  rotting,  with  no
       profit to anybody—rotting where they had been dropped by

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