Page 555 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 555

place. It takes possession of the mind, and drives forth the
           thought into the exile of utter unbelief. After three days of
           waiting for the sight of some human face, Decoud caught
           himself entertaining a doubt of his own individuality. It had
           merged into the world of cloud and water, of natural forces
            and forms of nature. In our activity alone do we find the
            sustaining illusion of an independent existence as against
           the whole scheme of things of which we form a helpless part.
           Decoud lost all belief in the reality of his action past and to
            come. On the fifth day an immense melancholy descended
           upon him palpably. He resolved not to give himself up to
           these people in Sulaco, who had beset him, unreal and ter-
           rible, like jibbering and obscene spectres. He saw himself
            struggling feebly in their midst, and Antonia, gigantic and
            lovely like an allegorical statue, looking on with scornful
            eyes at his weakness.
              Not a living being, not a speck of distant sail, appeared
           within the range of his vision; and, as if to escape from this
            solitude, he absorbed himself in his melancholy. The vague
            consciousness  of  a  misdirected  life  given  up  to  impulses
           whose memory left a bitter taste in his mouth was the first
           moral sentiment of his manhood. But at the same time he
           felt no remorse. What should he regret? He had recognized
           no other virtue than intelligence, and had erected passions
           into duties. Both his intelligence and his passion were swal-
            lowed up easily in this great unbroken solitude of waiting
           without faith. Sleeplessness had robbed his will of all en-
            ergy, for he had not slept seven hours in the seven days. His
            sadness was the sadness of a sceptical mind. He beheld the

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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