Page 557 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 557

yet without tremor; and the effect of that physical condition
            gave to his movements an unhesitating, deliberate dignity.
           He acted as if accomplishing some sort of rite. He descend-
            ed into the gully; for the fascination of all that silver, with
           its potential power, survived alone outside of himself. He
           picked up the belt with the revolver, that was lying there,
            and buckled it round his waist. The cord of silence could
           never snap on the island. It must let him fall and sink into
           the sea, he thought. And sink! He was looking at the loose
            earth covering the treasure. In the sea! His aspect was that
            of a somnambulist. He lowered himself down on his knees
            slowly and went on grubbing with his fingers with industri-
            ous patience till he uncovered one of the boxes. Without a
           pause, as if doing some work done many times before, he
            slit it open and took four ingots, which he put in his pockets.
           He covered up the exposed box again and step by step came
            out of the gully. The bushes closed after him with a swish.
              It  was  on  the  third  day  of  his  solitude  that  he  had
            dragged the dinghy near the water with an idea of rowing
            away somewhere, but had desisted partly at the whisper of
            lingering hope that Nostromo would return, partly from
            conviction of utter uselessness of all effort. Now she wanted
            only a slight shove to be set afloat. He had eaten a little ev-
            ery day after the first, and had some muscular strength left
           yet. Taking up the oars slowly, he pulled away from the cliff
            of the Great Isabel, that stood behind him warm with sun-
            shine, as if with the heat of life, bathed in a rich light from
           head to foot as if in a radiance of hope and joy. He pulled
            straight towards the setting sun. When the gulf had grown

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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