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             Red Flag
             Issue # 187             FASCISM,
             14 June 2021

             ISSN: 2202-2228
             Red Flag Press Inc.
             Trades Hall
             54 Victoria St
             Carlton South Vic 3053  AUSTRALIAN
             Editorial committee
             Ben Hillier
             Louise O’Shea
             Daniel Taylor
             Corey Oakley
             James Plested           STYLE
             Eleanor Morley
             Visual editor
             James Plested

             Tess Lee Ack                                                                Ben Hillier
             Allen Myers                                                                                   Not for the Tamils
             Viktoria Ivanova
             Subscriptions                                                                                 have the words
             and publicity                                  NO WAY
             Jess Lenehan                                   YOU WILL NEVER SET FOOT IN AUSTRALIA           ‘Never again’

             What is Red Flag                                         he poster was glued to a wall or a col-  solemnly passed the
             about?                                                   umn—I can’t remember—at Vavuniya

             Telling the truth                                        train station in northern Sri Lanka. At   lips of Australian
             The capitalist press is                                  the top, an outline of Australia crossed
             full of lies, distortions                      T over like a no smoking sign. A small
             and right wing bias.                           fishing vessel pictured on perilous seas below it.  politicians. ‘No way’
             We need an alternative                         Bold font for the type in the middle. It was 2017,
             press, free from
             corporate interests                            and though the elements had drained the paper of   is the language of
             and government spin,                           its original hues and mellowed the once dramatic
             to provide news and                            contrasts, the message was still clear, even if most   state here.
             analysis of major                              people in the area couldn’t read English.
             developments in our
             world.                                            The Australian government produced the post-
                                                            ers for Operation Sovereign Borders, its milita-  says, “No way”.
             Supporting resistance                          rised effort to prevent refugees claiming asylum.   Nades, a former member of the Tamil Tigers,
             Those who own and                              German neo-Nazis soon copied the design for    a national liberation organisation that formed a
             control the corporate                          their  own  anti-refugee  propaganda,  the  German   de  facto  administration  over  much  of  the  Tamil
             media are hostile to
             people fighting for                            History Museum in Berlin displaying one of the   homelands, fled for his life in 2012, well after the
             their rights. They                             specimens in a 2016 exhibition, “Anti-Semitic and   war had ended. Former Tigers have been targets
             make money out of                              racist stickers from 1880 to today”. The curators   of harassment and torture at the hands of the
             the exploitation and                           probably had no idea that they were, in effect,   security forces. The government knows this. And
             oppression of workers
             and the poor.  Red Flag                        including contemporary Australian government   still it says, “No way”.
             is a paper on the side of                      material in a presentation of their own country’s   Kopika  and Tharunicaa have never set  foot
             the oppressed, telling                         odious political history.                      in Sri Lanka. They were born here and have now
             the story from our side                           Vavuniya seemed apt, in its own grotesque way,   spent most of their lives locked in detention. A
             and giving solidarity to                       for the poster’s placement: the district was the   medical report from September 2018—more than
             those in struggle.
                                                            site of Manik Farm concentration camp, holding   1,000 days ago—noted emerging “behavioural
             Fighting for socialism                         more  than  200,000  internally  displaced  Tamils   disturbance” resulting from their incarceration
             Red Flag is about more                         in a squalor of overflowing latrines, disease,   and  isolation.  The  government knows  this.  And
             than just highlighting                         malnutrition,  harassment  and  worse.  The  camp   still  it  said,  “No  way”.  Now  Tharunicaa  has  been
             problems with the
             system, or supporting                          had been decommissioned five years earlier, but   evacuated to Perth for a blood infection after being
             individual struggles.                          the northern homelands of the Tamil people were   denied proper care in Christmas Island detention.
             It campaigns to win                            still, as they remain, littered with barracks—one   This month, as reports emerged that 22-year-
             people to socialism, to                        of the most intense occupations in the world, fol-  old Tamil man Chandran Vithusan was beaten to
             convince them that the                         lowing on from the military’s slaughter of tens of   death by Sri Lankan security forces in Batticaloa,
             revolutionary overthrow
             of capitalism is the                           thousands of civilians in 2009.                judges from the United Kingdom’s Upper Tribu-
             solution to the problems                          Not  for  the  Tamils  have  the  words  “Never   nal rejected as unreliable the Sri Lanka country
             of society.                                    again” solemnly passed the lips of Australian poli-  reports produced by the UK Home Office and the
                                                            ticians, however. “No way” is the language of state   Australian Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT).
             Intervening in
             struggles                                      here. So it has been for Priya, Nades, Kopika and   The 2019 DFAT report, which erroneously claims
             Red Flag is an                                 Tharunicaa, a family who made home in Biloela,   that there is no longer state-sponsored torture in
             interventionist paper,                         Queensland, but who have spent more than three   the country, has been used by the Department of
             bringing socialist                             years in detention fighting deportation.       Home Affairs, the Immigration Assessment Au-
             arguments to the                                  Twenty years ago, the Sri Lankan security forc-  thority and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal
             debates of today about
             how we can best mount                          es killed Priya’s fiancé and six others. Hands tied   to deny Tamil asylum claims. The Australian gov-
             a fightback. And while                         and truck tyres assembled around them, the men   ernment, referencing DFAT, claims that is it safe
             Red Flag will argue for                        were burned alive while local villagers were made   to return Tamils to Sri Lanka. It has now been told
             the views of Socialist                         to watch. Priya’s mother was sexually assaulted in   that the evidence used to support this conclusion
             Alternative, the paper
             is also a forum in which                       a  military  camp  and  her  family  was  threatened.   is unreliable. And still it says, “No way”.
             questions on the left                          That’s why she fled, first to India, then to Australia   “Why are you being so mean to this family?”,
             can be debated.                                in 2013. The government knows this. And still it   Sunrise host David Koch asked Home Affairs Min-
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