Page 6 - RedFlagJune14
P. 6



             The union movement will not

             be revived by memes

                                         Kath Larkin        social media work got me reflecting on the fairly   right to take industrial action, they mostly avoid
                                                            modest things I’ve been able to achieve alongside   doing so, instead opting for class collaborationist
                                                            my workmates in the rail industry and how we   approaches to negotiations. Third is that most
                                                            achieved them.                                 rights that workers have won throughout history
                     he Australian Council of Trade Unions     Things  like  getting  maternity  uniforms  and   came on the back of illegal industrial action under
                     under the leadership of Secretary Sally   sanitary bins into male-dominated workspaces,   both Labor and Liberal governments.
                     McManus  has been  marked  by ever  in-  winning improvements to health and safety on     Our unions are in crisis; fewer than 15 percent
             T creasing class collaboration in the union    the job, securing paid pandemic leave, preventing   of Australian workers are members; wages have
             movement, particularly during the pandemic.    unfair sackings and winning pay rises, among   stagnated and are projected to decline in real
                 Rank-and-file teachers were forced to fight   other things.                               terms over the coming year; insecure work is
             not only the government but their own union to    What was involved in achieving these victo-  increasing; and there are constant wage theft and
             enforce key safety measures at work. We heard   ries? Conversations, workplace meetings, peti-  rorting scandals.
             barely a peep from health unions as their mem-  tions, marching through the streets, unsanctioned   Yet all the ACTU gives us is memes, exhortations
             bers on the front lines were forced to work with   stop-works, picket lines, blockades, occupations   to call politicians, and photo-ops of union leaders
             inadequate PPE. Union leaders lifted barely a fin-  of the bosses’  offices, forcing CEOs  and senior   standing outside of workplaces. It’s bad news.
             ger anywhere to fight for migrant workers thrown   management to face tens of angry workers and,   The good news is that it doesn’t have to be
             onto the scrap heap and forced to line up in the   crucially, strikes.                        this way. The revival of the union movement will
             streets for food vouchers.                        What has never been important to any of these   happen inside the workplace. Sometimes it will
                The now disgraced leadership of the tertiary   wins? Memes on the internet. Sure, most of us in   happen one conversation at a time, sometimes it
             education union was defeated by their own      activist circles use them. Sometimes they’re a hit.   will happen  with a bunch of politicised  workers
             rank and file as they attempted to do deals with   But a strategy centred on them is never going to   taking an initiative. Sometimes it will happen in
             university  bosses  to  reduce  workers’  pay  and   revive the union movement—especially when   a seismic shift—as long as we aren’t drowned in
             conditions.  The  United  Workers  Union  and  the   designed  by  the  same  geniuses  who’ve  presided   McManus memes in the meantime.
             Australian Services Union, with the backing and   over the movement’s decline for decades.       Every union revival has relied on something
             support of the ACTU, joined with employer bod-    When I looked up “Upcoming events” on the   of a militant minority: a small but growing layer
             ies to reduce the award conditions in hospitality   ACTU website, two of the three listed were for   within the  union movement that  pushes to get
             and administration.                            social  media  training.  Never mind  training  for   organised, to build strength on the ground and,
                That then Industrial Relations Minister Chris-  rank-and-file workers on how to map a workplace,   of course, uses that organising to strike—the only
             tian Porter referred to Sally McManus as his “BFF”   how to organise, how to recruit to the union and   way we force serious concessions from the bosses
             last March gives you a pretty clear indication of   build power. Nah, just teach officials how to write   and build confidence in our own side.
             what McManus and the ACTU represent to the     a snappy tweet.                                   Radical politics has been crucial to every union
             ruling class.                                     One fact that the Australian Unions Facebook   revival, from the syndicalists of the early twen-
                For public purposes, the friendship with the   page has been pointing to lately is the decline in   tieth  century,  the  communists  of  the  1930s,  who
             government is now on ice. The Australian Unions   wages growth, which it attributes to the last eight   organised in situations long thought impossible,
             Facebook page, run by the ACTU, has meme after   years of federal Liberal governments. And it’s one   or the broad-based radicalism attached to the an-
             meme criticising the Liberal National government.  of the rare instances of the ACTU acknowledging   ti-war movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s.
                This page should be an inspiring catalogue of   the link between a lack of industrial action and   This approach isn’t the easiest, and it can’t
             the might of the organised working class, of our   low wage growth.                           be  done  by  hiring  a  few  graphic  designers  and
             glorious movement leading workers against boss-   It’s true that the Liberals are overseeing an-  communications directors. But it’s the only thing
             es. Instead it’s just lame, disingenuous trash, with   ti-strike laws. But the ACTU ignores a few import-  that works. Instead of memes and bullshit artistry
             heady statements like “united we bargain”—oh   ant facts. First is that federal Labor governments   from the likes of McManus, we need to rebuild
             boy, let the ruling class tremble.             also presided over anti-worker and anti-strike   fighting, rank-and-file unionism. And we need to
                The resources the union movement wastes on   laws. Second is that, when unions do have the legal   build a socialist movement to do so.
             Protesting against war profiteers in Brisbane

                                              Priya De      attendees, such as Palestinians and West Papuans.   Chaser revealed a certain lax security attitude by
                                                            We chanted for refugee rights, because the same   getting inside the conference despite displaying a
                                                            people barracking for war torture those displaced   QR code that linked not to a Land Forces ticket, but
                                                            by conflict. We demanded  that the vast wealth   to the Chaser website.
             FOR THE FIRST THREE days of June, thou-        allocated for the military be redirected to social   Also on the first day, a protester had a tooth
             sands of engineers, public servants and business   necessities: money for health and education, not   knocked out during an arrest. On the second
             moguls involved in the global arms trade packed   for weapons corporations.                   day, campaigners from the group Disrupt Land
             the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre for   Some war criminals scurried into the convention   Forces protested inside the conference, climbing
             the Land Forces 2021 exhibition.               centre behind police escorts. Others made a point   onto a tank. All were arrested. Among the array
                The gathering didn’t pass without opposition.   of barging through protesters. On one occasion, a   of charges was “entry with intent to commit an
             Speakers at a protest on the opening morning   group  of attendees passed members  of Socialist   indictable offence”, which carries a maximum
             included Aboriginal activist Samuel Woripa     Alternative, who were holding a previous edition of   penalty of ten years’ imprisonment.
             Watson and Greens MP for South Brisbane Amy    Red Flag bearing the cover “Afghanistan: a criminal   It’s an indication of the priorities of the cops
             McMahon.                                       war”. They paused and laughed, “That’s us!”    that such excessive charges would be laid  to
                Our message was clear: no war, and no money    Police behaviour ranged from befuddled to ag-  protect weapons industry bosses from embarrass-
             for war. Speeches and chants opposed the current   gressive. The opening morning’s protest marched   ment. But activists were not deterred; the protests
             drive towards conflict with China and expressed   despite police opposition, and a few dozen people   were considered a success.  We will need  more
             solidarity with peoples under occupations that are   briefly stormed a cafe in which Land Forces at-  anti-war action in the future, as the drums of war
             aided by the weapons produced by Land Forces   tendees were gathered. Some comedians from the   beat louder.
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