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             Why the federal government

             can’t be trusted to manage

             the pandemic

                                           Ben Hillier

                         ne  of  the  key  slogans  of  Scott  Mor-
                         rison’s 2019 federal re-election cam-
                         paign was “keeping Australians safe”.
                         The situation today shows just how
             O big a lie that was: almost everything
             that the Coalition needed to do to keep people
             safe during the pandemic it either refused to do
             because it opposed public health measures, or it
             did only under pressure—after foot dragging and
             against its own better judgement.
                How on Earth can it be that so many aged-care
             residents have not been fully vaccinated against
             COVID-19 when we know that it kills them in the
             greatest numbers? Why were so many aged-care
             workers not vaccinated when we know that they
             are the first point of transmission into the aged-
             care centres?
                Why, when there have been regular breaches in
             the city-based hotel quarantine systems—breach-
             es that result in crippling lockdowns to protect   Scott Morrison
             public  health—are there  no built-for-purpose   PHOTO: Reuters
             federal quarantine facilities to minimise the risk
             of transmission? Why was Canberra reluctant to
             offer financial support when Victoria again went   initiative, abide it. It’s a political dogma holding   its vaccine rollout, she boasted of the more than
             into lockdown recently?                        that  government  services  are akin  to  socialism   $100 million funding increase to the Australian
                How can the federal response in general be   and should be indulged only when circumstances   Criminal Intelligence Commission and Australian
             explained? Financial cost can be ruled out as the   dictate that there is no avoiding it.     Federal Police. She then goaded hecklers from the
             primary driver of inaction. Treasurer Josh Fryden-  Whether it’s public infrastructure—telecom-  opposition benches:
             berg proved last year, and again in this year’s   munications systems, ports, rail lines, freeways   “As soon as we start to make the point that this
             budget, that, when under pressure and in excep-  and so on—the health and education systems or   government is absolutely committed to keeping
             tional circumstances, he is prepared to spend. The   welfare and social services, there is nothing of   our community safe, the interjections start from
             evidence from around the world also makes clear   which the federal Liberals don’t try to rid them-  those opposite. That is a very good indication of
             that eradicating the virus quickly is in fact the best   selves of ownership or responsibility for. At every   the softness that those opposite have on crime and
             thing for the Liberal Party’s much-loved capitalist   chance, services and assets are outsourced or   how the Morrison government has always had the
             economic system.                               privatised. The prospect of electoral annihilation   strength to stand up to outlaw motorcycle gangs
                A desire to win a popularity contest can be   is probably the only thing preventing them from   and to stand up to criminals in our community.”
             ruled out as well. The federal government would   dismantling social welfare completely.         When  the  Liberals  say,  “keeping  Australians
             no doubt be more popular, rather than less, were   There is no doubt a mix of factors underpin-  safe”, they mean spending hundreds of billions
             it to have taken the initiative and established safe   ning each government failure during the pan-  of dollars on weapons to kill people, such as
             quarantine facilities outside of the major cities. It   demic. But the root of the broader failures surely   they are providing to the military. They mean
             would be more popular if it got the vaccine rollout   is political instinct: the reflexes emanating from   spending billions on the refugee concentration
             right. And, clearly, being the bearer of good eco-  a life spent using the state to undermine, rather   camps  and  on  Navy  patrols  to  turn  away  asy-
             nomic news in the form of JobKeeper, JobSeeker   than increase, the collective security of working   lum seekers. They mean hundreds of millions
             and emergency payments to those in lockdown    people—opposing wage rises, attacking trade    for the security services to spy on people. They
             was immensely popular last year and would have   unions, cutting social welfare, privatising public   mean more resources for cops and for prisons to
             been again in Victoria’s lockdown.             assets and so on.                              lock people away. (Even when it comes to these
                Incompetence can’t be totally ruled out. But   Ask  anyone who  has  become  a master  in  a   things that they like or love, they still make sure
             the government has shown competence in other   profession about how they got to where they are.   that, as much as possible, it’s someone else in
             areas—the ability to deny refugees their right to   The response invariably will involve declarations   the private sector being paid to do as much of
             claim  asylum,  for  example,  by  preventing  mar-  of love and passion for the thing it is that they   the work as possible.)
             itime  arrivals  and  creating  a  system  of  offshore   do  well.  The Liberals  hate  government  services   By contrast, they instinctively baulked at doing
             gulags. It might be disgraceful, but the Liberals   for working-class people. So how could they ever   the things required to keep us safe in this killer
             are good at it.                                become proficient at delivering them when their   pandemic,  before  then calculating  that  the eco-
                Perhaps it comes down to the government’s   main concern is to undermine them?             nomic and political consequences would be dire
             ideology, one so deeply embedded that it has      When Liberals talk about safety, their instinct   if they didn’t act. Yet still they remain reluctant,
             entered the Liberal Party’s collective unconscious.   is to define it in terms of boosting the capacity of   and still they abrogate their responsibilities, as
             It’s a revulsion so strong to the idea of govern-  the state to commit violence, as Home Affairs Min-  the ongoing quarantine debacle demonstrates.
             ments providing services and doing good things   ister Karen Andrews did during question time on   It’s almost like right-wing ideology provides the
             for the public, that it simply cannot, of its own   1 June when, as the government was under fire for   perfect breeding ground for COVID-19.
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