Page 11 - RedFlagJune14
P. 11



        court’s  decision  in  April  as further  encourage-  its silencing of Palestinians.         In 2016, the Ministry
        ment to adopt a more aggressive role in censoring   At a conference in the West Bank city of Ramal-
        online content. Eghbariah said that the UK, France   lah in 2018, local representatives for Google and
        and  the  European  Union  already  had  their  own   Facebook  conceded  that  the  companies’  priority  of Justice reported
        cyber referral units, although unlike Israel’s those   was to avoid upsetting powerful governments like
        units were explicitly authorised by legislation.  Israel’s that could tighten regulation or constrain  that Facebook and
           In a sign that Israel’s politicised approach to   their commercial activities. The tech giants are
        crushing online dissent could become normalised   also unlikely to be neutral between the claims  Google were 'complying
        worldwide, an architect of Israel’s cyber unit was   of  the Israeli  state and  ordinary  Palestinians
        appointed to Facebook’s new oversight board last   when they are so reliant on Israel’s hi-tech sector.  with up to 95 percent
        year. Emi Palmor was the Justice Ministry’s direc-  Technologies developed using the West Bank and
        tor-general at the time the unit was established.   Gaza as a testing-bed have been eagerly bought up   of Israeli requests to
        The board is supposed to oversee what content   by these global corporations.
        should be allowed on Facebook and Instagram.     Incensed by Facebook’s censorship, a Palestin-  delete content'—almost
           The  Israeli  cyber  unit’s  increasing  efforts   ian campaign of online protests was launched in
        to remove content by Palestinians, labelling it   2018 under the hashtag  #FBcensorsPalestine. In   all of it Palestinian.
        “terrorism”, “disinformation” or “incitement”, are   Gaza, demonstrators  have accused  the company
        the latest stage in more than a decade of moves by   of being “another face of occupation”.
        Israel to control and manipulate its image online   Google and  Apple have also  faced  a  wave  of
        as social media has become more central in most   criticism for colluding in Israel’s policy seeking
        people’s lives.                               to erase Palestinians’ visible presence in their
           Israel stepped up its digital activities after its   homeland.  The  tech  companies  have  failed  to
        large-scale attack on Gaza in late 2008 and early   identify  many  Palestinian  villages  in  the West
        2009, which killed large numbers of civilians, in-  Bank on their online maps and GPS services while
        cluding children, and shocked much of the world.   highlighting illegal Jewish settlements.
        During  the  attack,  the Israeli  army  established   They have also refused to name the Palestin-
        its own YouTube channel, the first army to do so,   ian territories as “Palestine”, in accordance with
        offering a model that the US army quickly sought   Palestine’s  recognition  by  the  United  Nations,
        to emulate.                                   subordinating these areas under the title “Israel”.
           At the same time, tech-savvy youngsters    Jerusalem is presented as Israel’s unified and
        were  recruited to pose  as ordinary web-surfers   undisputed capital, just as Israel claims—making
        as  they  secretly  promoted  foreign  ministry   the occupation of the Palestinian section of the
        talking-points. Several “cyber warrior” teams   city invisible.
        were established in the following years, including
        one that  recruited former officers  from Israel’s   First published at
        military spying unit 8200. Since then, Israel has   Jonathan Cook is a Nazareth-based journalist
        expanded its digital operations, not only promot-  and winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize
        ing hasbara (propaganda) online but intensifying   for Journalism.
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