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        Marx saw human                                series of transformations until it is broken down   be similarly clear if the process of exchange of
                                                      into nutrients to be absorbed into our cells, along   goods within the community broke down, and
        labour as a kind of                           with waste to be excreted and so on.           the health of one section of the population be-
                                                         Marx applied the idea of metabolism not only   gan to suffer as a result.
        process of metabolism                         to the role of labour in shaping the natural world.   With the emergence of class society, when a
                                                      As well  as the metabolic interaction between   minority of the population came to live off the
        in which the raw                              human society and nature, there is a metabolism   surplus produced by others, the link between the
                                                      within society itself. So in the Grundrisse he writes
                                                                                                     natural basis of human society and the lives of
        materials of nature are                       that the circulation and exchange of commodities   those who made the important decisions became
                                                      within capitalism can also be understood as a
                                                                                                     more tenuous.
                                                                                                        As Marx sees it, however, it’s only with the
        worked up into forms                          kind of metabolism. “Insofar as the process of   emergence of capitalism from the seventeenth
                                                      exchange transfers commodities from hands in
        that are useful for                           which they are non-use-values to hands in which   century onwards that the link is severed com-
                                                                                                     pletely. Even the wealthiest of feudal lords still
                                                      they are use-values, it is a process of social metab-
        human beings.                                 olism”, he wrote.                              had some connection to the land. Their power was
                                                         The circulation of the products of labour with-
                                                                                                     bound with a particular estate. As Marx himself
                                                      in a society can be understood by analogy with the   put it in a note, “There still exists [under feudal-
                                                      circulation of blood within the human body. In a   ism] the semblance of a more intimate connection
        tion and exchange of nutrients, waste and so on   healthy body, the blood transports oxygen, nutri-  between the proprietor and the land than that of
        in the human body and other living things. But   ents and so on to where they are needed—keeping   mere material wealth. The estate is individualised
        it was also, from the 1850s onwards, increasingly   the body functioning at full capacity. So too in a   with its lord: it has his rank, is baronial or ducal
        taken up by those, like Marx, trying to understand   healthy society, the exchange of products should   with him, has his privileges, his jurisdiction, his
        the functioning of society.                   function to ensure that everyone is able to live a   political position etc. It appears as the inorganic
           It’s easy to see how the idea of metabolism, or   decent life.                            body of its lord”.
        “material exchange”, can be applied in this con-  What, then, is the metabolic rift? In the     If the feudal lord failed to manage the land
        text. Marx saw human labour as a kind of process   simplest terms, it is a breakdown in the healthy   sustainably, if he logged all the forests, poisoned
        of metabolism in which the raw materials of na-  functioning of the metabolic process human so-  the waterways and so on, he would undermine
        ture are worked up into forms that are useful for   ciety depends on, in both its external aspect—the   not only the source of his material wealth, but his
        human beings. In Capital, Marx described human   exchange of material between human society and   identity and being as a lord.
        labour as:                                    nature—and its internal  aspect—the circulation   The alienation of the land—its reduction to the
           “...  first  of  all,  a  process  between  man  and   of material within society.        status of property that can be bought and sold—is
        nature, a process by which man, through his own   In  pre-class  societies,  the  material  exchange   what for Marx constitutes the foundation stone of
        actions, mediates, regulates and controls the   that occurs via our labour on the natural world   the capitalist system. The wealth and power of the
        metabolism between himself and nature. He con-  happened in such a way that the two ends of the   capitalist class doesn’t depend on their possession
        fronts the materials of nature as a force of nature.   process—nature and the useful things we produce   of  this or  that  particular  piece of  property,  but
        He sets in motion the natural forces that belong to   from it—were related in a more or less direct   rather on their control over capital. Capital can
        his own body, his arms, legs, head and hands, in   and transparent way. The raw materials required   include physical property, such as farmland, ma-
        order to appropriate the materials of nature in a   for  the  production  of  basic  necessities  like  food,   chinery, factories, offices and so on, but it is by its
        form adapted to his own needs.”               shelter and so on were mostly sourced from the   very nature fluid and transferable. If a capitalist
           Human labour acts on nature in a way that’s   immediate vicinity of settlements.          buys up some land and then destroys it, they can
        analogous with the action of the human body      In this context, it would be very obvious   simply take the profits they’ve made from it and
        on the food that we eat. For instance, just like a   if the metabolism had broken down in some   move their money elsewhere.
        tree that is transformed into a wooden shack, so,   way—say by an area of land being eroded due   At the same time as it completely severs any
        for example, an apple that we eat goes through a   to the excessive clearing of trees. And it would   semblance of connection with the land among
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