Page 17 - RedFlagJune14
P. 17



        Senior officials from                         labour force for urban industry, the KMT carried   the  KMT  on  the  question  of  independence.  Both
        the United States                             through a major land reform that essentially elim-  prefer to avoid the issue.
        and China meet in                             inated the old landlord class.                    There is something of a left in Taiwan, most of
        Anchorage for the first
        bilateral meeting since                          Initially, the US did not particularly aid the   which, with the exception of a few small Stalinist
        President Biden was                           KMT regime, believing it was doomed to fall to   groups, is pro-independence. The trade union
        inaugurated 23 March                          Mao’s armies. But with the outbreak of the Korean   movement  remains  fairly  weak,  though  there
        2021 PHOTO: Frederic                          War  and  the  heightened  tensions  in  the  region,   have been some strikes, including an 11-day strike
        J. Brown/Reuters                              the US began to provide substantial military and   by flight attendants in 2019.
                                                      financial aid to Taiwan.                          In terms of popular sentiment, a 2020 poll
                                                         By the early 1960s, Taiwan began rapidly to   showed 35.1 percent support for independence, 5.8
                                                      develop its manufacturing exports. Reflecting a   percent support for unification with China and
                                                      common pattern for newly industrialising nations,   52.3 percent support for postponing a decision on
                                                      initially these exports were primarily textiles and   status or for maintaining the status quo.
                                                      clothing. From the late 1960s, the KMT state pushed   There has been a marked collapse since the
                                                      to move away from these labour-intensive indus-  1990s in the number of Taiwanese people, partic-
                                                      tries to capital-intensive ones, including steel,   ularly young people, identifying as Chinese. In
           Subsequently, Japan seized Taiwan in 1895   aluminium, petrochemicals and synthetic fibres.  2020, 67 percent of people identified only as Tai-
        and ruled there until the end of World War Two.   Then, from 1981, there was a liberalisation of   wanese, 2.4 percent identified as Chinese, and 27.5
        Japanese rule was initially extremely brutal and   the economy with more room for private capi-  per cent identified as both Chinese and Taiwanese.
        provoked  numerous  local  revolts. Nonetheless,   talists. Trade with the US expanded rapidly with   Indigenous people make up between 2.5 per-
        significant economic development did take place   a turn to electronics, telecommunications equip-  cent and 4 percent of the population and have
        under Japanese rule, which helped prepare the   ment, microchips and the like. But state interven-  special seats allocated to them in the parliament.
        ground for Taiwan to become one of the so-called   tion remained very important to maximise profits   However, despite being poor and racially op-
        Asian tiger economies alongside Singapore, South   by holding down wages, banning strikes, keeping   pressed, they solidly vote for the right-wing KMT.
        Korea and Hong Kong in the 1970s and 80s.     unions  weak  and  preventing  welfare  legislation   There is nothing then automatic about racial
           With the victory in 1949 of Mao’s Red Army   that protected workers.                      oppression leading to left-wing attitudes. There
        over the nationalist forces of Chiang Kai-shek’s   In 1987, martial law was finally lifted, and there   is also a rapidly growing migrant population that
        Kuomintang (KMT), a section of the defeated   followed a transition to bourgeois democracy.   currently makes up 6 percent of the workforce.
        KMT army and its supporters fled to Taiwan. In   The DPP (Democratic Progressive Party), the cur-  In conclusion, socialists should not support
        all, 2 million KMT supporters reached Taiwan,   rent ruling party formed in 1986, in some sense   the  forcible  incorporation  of  Taiwan  into China,
        which had an existing population of only 6    represented those forces that were pushing for   let alone a Chinese invasion of the island. It
        million. In 1947, there had been an uprising on   democratisation.                           should  be  up  to  the  Taiwanese  people  to  decide
        Taiwan against the KMT authorities who had       The DPP initially had something of a left-wing   democratically. However, the question of Taiwan-
        taken over from the Japanese. A long period of   image and backed independent trade unions. To-  ese independence cannot be separated from the
        reactionary terror followed, with hundreds of   day, however, it loyally rules on behalf of the Tai-  growing imperialist tensions between the US and
        thousands imprisoned or killed.               wanese bourgeoisie, despite— somewhat like the   China. The US uses the issues of Taiwan, the op-
           Although the KMT was stridently anti-Com-  US Democrats—managing to incorporate various   pression of the Uyghurs and the brutal repression
        munist, it established an authoritarian state cap-  progressive-seeming social movement activists   in Hong Kong to inflame hostility to China. This is
        italist regime that in many ways was very similar   as parliamentary candidates and backing causes   an utterly cynical and hypocritical approach given
        to the regime in Beijing. The KMT regime realised   like same sex marriage.                  the US’s own long record of brutal suppression
        that if it was to survive in the face of the threat of   The DPP formally favours Taiwanese inde-  of democratic rights from Iraq to Afghanistan to
        invasion, it needed rapidly to build up Taiwan’s   pendence from China, but it does not really push   Vietnam and Latin America.
        industrial base to provide the underpinning for   the issue because it does not want to provoke the   Socialists should strongly oppose the current
        a strong military. This could not be achieved by   Chinese regime. The KMT, on the other hand,   military build-up in the US and Australia, and the
        relying on the profit-driven whims of private   formally  supports  unification  with  China  once   increasing  Cold War-style  rhetoric  from  our  rul-
        capitalist investors. Only a powerful state could   the current Chinese regime is overthrown, and it   ers. Any shooting war between the US and China
        play that role. For decades the core industries,   still nominally upholds its absurd claim to be the   would be an imperialist war, reactionary on both
        the banks and so on in Taiwan were either state   legitimate government of China. However, since   sides, which would override the specific issue of
        enterprises or subject to rigid state control, as in   democratisation in the 1990s, it has essentially   the Taiwanese people’s right to independence.
        “Communist” China. Furthermore, in order to ac-  buried the issue. So in terms of practical politics,   Socialists need to campaign hard against any
        celerate food production and obtain the necessary   there is not much difference between the DPP and   Australian involvement in such a war.
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