Page 5 - Newsletter#14
P. 5

Branch Monthly Meetings.                        Page.2    Gallagher expressed the view that at the May BMM in
                                                              response to questions raised claimed that  his answers
    Branch  Monthly  Meetings  (BMM’s)  provide  the          “should stay in the room” He suggested the meeting was
    membership with two essential functions, i.e.  Monthly    being  recorded  and  finding  its  way  into  the  public
    Reports/ information on the industry, and provides the    domain.
    constructive  and  necessary    engagement  of  the  R&F
    members to question and discuss those reports and any     He suggested that “if” that was an acceptable outcome
    other union issues.                                       by the meeting, that issues  discussed and answered at
                                                              BMM’s which find their way into the public domain,” he
    Since  the  Leadership  change  in  2019    BMM’s    have   then proposed “that branch officers will just give Branch
    been more critical and focused upon Executive decision    and National Office reports and make no commentary
    making,  and  important  gaps  or  poor  recording  of    What  a ridiculous a response and proposition to ‘put to
    previous  BMM  minutes.  BMM’s  have  become              19 members’ for a decision. Luckily, it wasn’t debated in
    increasingly surrounded by avoidance and vacillation by   General  Business  and  therefore  no  discussion
    officials when R&F members use their legitimate right to   eventuated.    Such  a  proposal  would  squash  normal
    seek  answers  to  decisions  already  made  or  in  the   debate, for the single  fear of public exposure.
                                                              After National Council overrode the decisions of the Qld
    The July 2019 BMM was a feisty meeting attended by        Branch  Executive  in  a  recent  Appeal  review,  in  its
    over  130  R&F  members,  demanding    answers  and       determination  correspondence,  it  also  provided  a
    explanations  of  events  surrounding  a  ‘final  warning   document to both the individual member and Officers of
    letter’, the sacking of the branch manager, and demands   the Qld Branch to read. It is  entitled ‘Policy on Mutual
    to resolve these matters in a petition presented to the   Respect’  guidelines, and on unacceptable behaviour in
    Branch Secretary.                                         particular.

    This was followed by the August 2020 BMM, where the       Our  assumption  is  that  it  was  neither  read  or  read
    minutes of the July BMM record were contested, and the    without  understanding,  particularly  given  Gallagher’s
    motion  approved  to  hold  ‘them  in  abeyance’  until  the   persistent  interjections over the rulings by the Chair, or
    original  minute  book  recording  of  July  could  be    during members  right to speak once recognised  by the
    compared to those presented during the August BMM.        Chair in questions or discussion on reports.
    Minutes went missing on two consecutive BMM’s and
    the actual Minute Book was unavailable for presentation   Parts of the document  emphasise the “MUA has both a
    for the October BMM.                                      legal and moral responsibility to protect its employees
                                                              from  discrimination  and  harassment,  abuse  or  similar
    Why  raise  issues  about  the  ‘voluntary  physical’     unacceptable  behaviour”.  It  alerts  Officials  and
    recording of the meeting minutes? The simple answers      members  not  to  ‘dominate  the  conversation  and
    to that question are as follows.                          everyone has a right to share their views’. This policy
                                                              recommends that all officers of the union provide and
    1.  These are the formal records of  what was discussed   follow  these  guidelines,  along  with  members,  and
    and  provide  a  ‘written  record’  for  those  who  did  not   “should be included as part of the documentation for all
    attend a particular monthly meeting.                      future MUA meetings”.

    2.  Properly recorded minutes strengthen the              Equally,  constructive  debate  on  the  accuracy  of  the
    development and maintenance of strong  membership         minutes is desired for a correct  recording and conduct
    participation. They also serve as  a  reference point for   of the meeting.  Members and  officials need to be more
    future activity.                                          aware of how to conduct themselves, along the lines of
                                                              the earlier proposed meeting procedure delivered some
    3.  Without  participative  debate  on  issues  what  then   time back.
    develops is a view of an ‘inner circle’. This leads to an
    apathetic  membership,  who  know  little  and  more
    importantly, care less about the union and their part in   MAKING A VIRTUE OUT OF A NECESSITY, the
    it.                                                       resurrection of Christy Cain within the MUA!
                                                              It  wasn’t  so  long  ago  that  Christy  Cain  indicated  his
    Such  problems  continue  to  arise  in  respect  of  the   intention to stand for the vacancy caused by the forced
    conduct of the BMM.   During the June BMM concern
    was  expressed  by  Assistant  Branch  Secretary,  P      resignation  of  Michael  O’Connor,  from  the  position  of
    Gallagher that a conversation of his from the May BMM     National Secretary of the CFMMEU.
    was quoted verbatim in one of the R&F Newsletters.  It    Christy said he was resigning from his positions within
    was a quote confirmed by those who attended the May       the MUA Division, because of the “conflict of interest”
    meeting.  It  appears  that    P.Gallagher  had  been
    reprimanded by National Office and under strict orders    arising  from  holding  both  divisional  and  national
    not to discuss the issue and by Carol’s lawyers not to    responsibilities,  as  had  occurred  in  the  case  of  his
    comment.                                                  predecessor.
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