Page 7 - Newsletter#14
P. 7

So, what’s the point attempting to be made here? That     We  look  forward  with  hope  and  pride  to  the  day  that
    should  be  obvious.  This  is  a  clear  example  of  senior   perhaps  Thomas  may  be  given  the  opportunity  to
    members of the leadership deliberately misleading the     continue  his  work  in the  National  Parliament  in some
    members to believe major changes are being proposed       capacity. First and foremost, he will always be a proud
    on  the  noble  basis  of  enhancing  support  for  both   member  and  representative  of  his  indigenous
    indigenous  and  women’s  interests  within  the          community. We  also  know  he  will  always  be  a  proud
    organisation.                                             member and representative of the MUA.

    That  is  just  not  so.  The  driver  for  this  change  was   **************************************************************
    nothing more than a need to fix a stuff-up in their sordid   Tug crews at the Port of Melbourne plan to stop work
    attempts in the circumstances, to gain more influence     for 12 hours on Friday, July 9.
    within the national union by getting one of their own into
    the  top  job.  In  supporting  this  style  of  reporting  to   The protest is being announced after two-year talks on
    members, National Council has become complicit in that    the new agreement failed to bring concrete results. “In
    deceit.                                                   that time, the company has used the COVID crisis to
                                                              introduce  30  claims  that  would  slash  the  rights,
    It  has  already  been  well  reported  to  members  that   conditions,  and  job  security  of  their  Australian
    Christy  Cain  is  being  supported  in  his  attempts  to   workforce,” MUA said.
    become the National Secretary of the CFMMEU. What
    was the difficulty in simply reporting to members –       MUA  Deputy  Victorian  Branch  Secretary  David  Ball
                                                              pointed  out  that  MUA  members  continued  to  work
    1.  there’s  a  legal  problem  requiring  a  rule  change   throughout the COVID crisis, He added that community
        before Christy can be considered for this position    protestors would also be targeting the move by Svitzer
        and its necessary to return him to his former status   to  axe  their  entire  Geelong  workforce,  replacing  the
        on the National Council.                              crews with fly-in fly-out labour hire contractors.

    2.  that  Comrade  Thomas  Mayor  has  graciously         “Svitzer  has  demonstrated  their  contempt  for  loyal
        offered or agreed to step aside from his position as   Australian  workers  through  a  decision  to  make  their
        NT  Deputy  Branch  Secretary  to  facilitate  this   entire  Geelong  workforce  redundant  “Our  members
        change as has comrade Will Tracey with respect to     refuse to accept unilateral attacks on their job security,
        his position as Divisional National Presiding Officer.   rights and conditions, which is why they are undertaking
                                                              completely legal forms of industrial action in protest.”
    3.   the national CFMMEU is unable to continue funding
          the indigenous affairs position, so National Council
          has not only agreed to fund that role but taken the
          opportunity to further enhance it along with that of    Setka/Construction  Division  backed  “Members  First”
          women’s affairs to propose the establishment of two   Ticket, challenge to the O’Connor ticket for leadership
          new Assistant National Secretary positions to       of the Manufacturing Division of the CFMMEU, has been
          respectively, take responsibility for those matters.   unsuccessful  in  Victoria  Districts.  Michael  O’Connor’s
                                                              ticket and his personal position as National Divisional
    OK, there may be a debate on whether there ought to       Secretary had been retained.
    be  two  new  full-time  positions  within  the  division,  but
    that’s another discussion. There’s a golden rule to be    The Members first team apparently won positions in the
                                                              Qld, NT, and W.A. districts.  Members Team spokesman
    applied  by  union  officials,  if  you  decline  to  tell  the   said,  “  the  challenge  to  the  incumbents  was  always
    members  the  truth  about  something  you  wish  to  do   going to be an uphill battle” The team claimed they put
    without  a  very,  very  good  reason,  then  you  probably   up  a  fair  fight,  scared  the  leadership  into  action,  and
    shouldn’t be doing it.                                    garnered a massive turnout for a union without a history

    Nothing in this article is meant to reflect  against Thomas   of contested elections. Though other sources indicate
                                                              the vote was in the 25% range.
    Mayor personally or of his work within the union, or in
    progressing  the  rights  and  interests  of  indigenous   Members  first  indicate  they  will  continue  as  a  R&F
    Australians. Despite Padraig wrapping his arms around     movement within the union to ensure that the leadership
    him for his own opportunistic reasons, there is no guile   is held to account!  and will fight tooth and nail to ensure
    attached to Thomas.                                       the voices of the members are heard and their interests
    He was an activist and well respected by his workmates    come before all other considerations. Sound familiar?
    on the wharf when they elected him as their workplace
    delegate and later, as a branch official.. He and Andy    This newsletter is published by Mike Barber (6224) and Jeff Langdon
                                                              (5266/1819)  on  behalf  of  the  Queensland  Branch  R&F  Collective.
    have  had  a  very  successful,  collaborative,  working   Members wishing to receive Newsletter’s to their own email address,
    relationship  representing  NT  members  interests  over   send details to You can also go direct to the
                                                              Newsletter  FB
    many years.                                                          Page.4   You will need to ‘apply’ We hope also, for contributions and feedback
                                                              in response to editions we publish.  Thanks Comrades
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