Page 6 - Newsletter#14
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Some  of  us  had  difficulty  in  understanding  where  the   This battle has caused a very forensic examination of
    supposed  “conflict  of  interest”  arose.  Nevertheless,   the  union’s  rules  and  perhaps  there  has  been  an
    Padraig described Christy’s decision to resign from his   emerging  realisation  that  Christy  may  have  acted
    MUA positions as “constructive”. So, it was with some     prematurely in resigning from his MUA positions before
    surprise that  we  learnt from the most  recent  National   firmly establishing himself into the position of CFMMEU
    Office report to members, that Christy was back!          National Secretary.

    First  though,  it  was  reported  that  National  Council   At the time of resigning from his MUA positions, Rule 16
    propose to amend the rules to establish two new elected   (i)  of  the  national rules would  appear to  deny Christy
    Assistant National Secretary positions to take effect at   Cain  any  ability  to  be  appointed  to  the  position  of
    the  Quadrennial  elections  in  2023,  one  for  a  First   CFMMEU  National  Secretary  –  which  role  under  the
    Nations Person and the other by a woman.                  current rule is open only, to any one of the Divisional
                                                              National Secretary’s or in the case of the Mining and
    It was then reported that Thomas Mayor had resigned       Energy  Division,  the  General  President.  If  that  is  a
    from  his  position  as  Deputy  Branch  Secretary  of  the   correct interpretation of the rule, for Christy to be eligible
    Northern  Territory  Branch  (and  as  a  consequence,    to hold the position of National Secretary there will need
    ceasing to be a member of the National Council). It was   to be a rule change!
    then also announced Will Tracey had resigned from his
    position as MUA National Divisional Presiding Officer.    In any event, having resigned from his MUA positions
                                                              prior to appointment as CFMMEU National Secretary,
    Five  minutes  after  all  these  decisions  were  made,   Christy was neither fish nor fowl, with no formal status
    National  Council  reported  that  Christy  Cain  had  been   within the national body or that of the MUA Division. In
    appointed  to  the  vacant  position  of  Deputy  Branch   the result, it is not open for either the MUA Division or
    Secretary  of  the  Northern  Territory  Branch,  and     the  National  CFMMEU  to  retain  any  responsibility  for
    automatically then, a member of National Council. This    expenses incurred by him in the interim period.
    enabled  him  to  be  appointed  Divisional  National
    Presiding Officer, which he was, another 5 minutes later.   That small problem appears to have been resolved by
                                                              the  addition  of  a  somewhat  generous  lump  sum
    That the National Council has a right to appoint Christy   payment in addition to the normal payout on termination
    Cain to those vacancies is not at issue. Yet, it has to be   of  his  employment,  that  is,  following  Christy’s
    said, this was no more than a cynical, manipulation of    resignation from his MUA positions. In the absence of
    the  rules  by  Padraig  to  achieve  an  internal,  political   any  other  explanation,  it’s  reasonable  to  suggest  this
    objective,  made  in  such  manner  so  as  not  to  be   was essentially paid to cover his expenses during the
    immediately apparent to rank and file members.
                                                              period  between  leaving  the  MUA  and  taking  up  the
    If  the order of decision-making within the National Office   CFMMEU National Secretary’s position.
    Report is followed,  these various positional movements   Given the new necessity perhaps, for a rule change to
    were triggered by a desire to establish the indigenous    enable  his  appointment  to  the  CFMMEU  National
    and  women’s  positions  within  the  National  Council   Secretary’s position and also the likelihood of a long and
    structure. And pigs might fly! The overriding desire was   protracted (legal) battle of attrition between the Mining
    to reinstate Christy Cain into a senior position within the   and  Energy  Division  and  the  Construction  and  MUA
    MUA Division so as to restore his rights to membership    Divisions, these issues could leave Christy in a difficult
    of National Council.
                                                              position if he remained in limbo without access to further
    This  is  a  complete  turnaround  from  the  leadership’s   funding.
    previous  position  when  they  were  lauding  Christy’s   So, in addition to ensuring his right to nominate for the
    departure from the MUA into the wider CFMMEU’s top        National  Secretary’s  position  in  due  course,  Christy’s
    job. Which it will be remembered, of itself created a huge   reinstatement to his former MUA status on the National
    reshuffle of leadership positions within the MUA Division   Council ensures he also remains in paid employment for
    at the time.                                              the interim period however long that takes.

    Continuing Padraig’s traditionally, opaque approach, as   It will be interesting to see whether Christy will maintain
    opposed  to  openness  and  transparency  within  the     his  view  there  is  a  conflict  of  interest  in  holding  very
    union’s decision-making processes, no reason for this     senior positions at both the divisional and national levels
    change of heart was given. As a result, members are left   of  the  organisation  whenever  he  does  take  up  the
    to speculate.                                             position of National Secretary, if that is to eventuate.

    There can be any number of reasons. Firstly, relating to   Perhaps it may also be the case that Padraig has felt the
    the  continuing  proceedings  in  the  Federal  Court     cool, if not (cold) winds of change on the back of his
    between  the  Mining  and  Energy  Division  and  the     neck.  He  may  well  consider  it to  his  own  benefit that
    Construction  and  MUA Divisions  because  Mining  and    Christy  remain  as  the  Divisional  National  Presiding
    Energy want to separate from the CFMMEU.         Page.3
                                                              Officer  in  order  to  shore  up  his  own  position  as
                                                              Divisional National Secretary.
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