Page 5 - Newsletter#20finalcopy_Classical
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The Branch News rightly points out the political struggle COVID VACCINATION – MUA LEADERSHIP GONE
and failure of both major political parties to address this MISSING
attack agenda by employers. Such attacks are not new.
Employer groups are taking advantage as expected to Ever since that tawdry sight of “unrepresentative swill”
increase profits by reducing wages and conditions, (to borrow a phrase from Paul Keating), descending on
classical capitalist methodology. the CFMEU Victorian Branch Office, the National
While the reports indicate an intention to have a meeting Leadership of the MUA, has gone into hiding on the
by legal advisors to discuss the mandatory vaccination issue of COVID vaccination. Padraig has disappeared
issue and your rights, there is still no official statement into his bunker wherever that is these days and left it to
from the Maritime Division on what you do if an individual branches to take the running on the issue.
employer enforces upon you a “no jab, no work” policy.
As a result, the union’s efforts are confusing to say the
Bland announcements and reminders of the upcoming least. The normally astute WA Branch leadership has
November AGM, in addition in appeals to ‘try and make sought Senior Council’s opinion on the legality of a
yourself available’ should include the correct advice, i.e. Public Health Order. Their view is that while supporting
the Business of the AGM 1. the financial reports of the vaccination as a response to the global pandemic, they
Union, 2. Any motions by members, and if necessary, don’t support mandatory vaccination – this view
advice of a ‘Special Meeting’ to deal with possible rule apparently extends to a Public Health Order recently
changes and other business. issued by the State Government in respect of exposed
The list of rushed inclusions did not inform members port workers.
about the following. While national and state tributes
recognised the passing of John Coombs, nothing was On the other hand, The Acting Queensland Branch
said at the September BMM by officials, but for Jeff Secretary has indicated the branch has “followed and
Langdon’s raising it at the meeting. No mention in the supported the health advice and public health orders”,
Branch news. nevertheless parroting the line that they support
vaccination as a response to the global pandemic but do
No reference to the Qld Governments $22 million for not support mandatory vaccination – it’s not immediately
shipping and training in the sector. Or any update on clear whether Qld branch opposition (to mandatory
progress. No indication of what numbers of new vaccination) extends to Public Health Orders.
members obtained in Nth Qld specifically ships crews,
among the other achievements with Seaswift. No report Padraig has gone into a funk since the sight of those
or condemnation of the Aukis treaty and the dangers of Melbourne gatherings fearing this represents a split
nuclear-powered vessels in Australian waters. between the rank and file and their union officials thus
It was good to see reports from the ITF (a first) and leaving the union (and himself), vulnerable. Being very
despite the outline of work done by Brian Gallagher, it much risk averse, he’s just disappeared. Frankly, his
could be interpreted as a possible ‘resume’ for a hopeful attitude has just fuelled the fear by branch officials of a
ongoing position. The Women’s Committee reports rank-and-file uprising against the union. As usual, he’s
from various participants were prominently self- got it all wrong.
congratulatory on receiving personal awards. It’s a pity
that there wasn’t a focused industrial report on how and The VAST majority of people whether they be old,
if, effectively Companies are abiding by Sexual and young, male, female, working or not working, blue collar
Harassment policies, they and the union ascribe to. or white collar, native born, immigrant or visa holder are
Nothing too about the CFMMEU office attack or the taking the jab, already up to 80% in some states. There
rallies in Victoria described by the press as unionist is absolutely no evidence to suggest building
angry with the CFMMEU but exposed also the hijacking construction and maritime workers in Victoria or in any
of concerns by the fascist and right-wing elements. We
would have expected that aspect alone surely warranted other state don’t hold similar views.
some political or industrial commentary.?
So, the vast majority of people including those engaged
We note with satisfaction the reports from the ILA/IDC in the maritime or building sectors are not going to be
and its stand on refusal to “not work a container ship too fussed about workplace related public health orders
without a crew aboard” What a courageous and issued by Government.
principled stance. And our own organisation appears
unable to do that or even emulate the Canadian SUI. They’re more likely to be quite supportive because of the
and make a stand, for inclusion in Australia’s’ expanding added protection to themselves as a result. The real
and demanding export sectors.! Asleep at the Helm issue for union concern is where an employer in the
comes to mind. absence of a Public Health Order, seeks to introduce a
no jab, no job policy by unilateral decision without
appropriate consultation and the support of a significant
Page.2 majority of its entire workforce.