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The MUA was heading in the right direction when they      open hand causing bruising and bleeding to the mouth.
    recently  insisted  on  DP  World  consulting  with  Health   Finally, he put one of his hands around her mouth when
    and  Safety  Representatives  and  Union  Delegates       she was crying and screaming during a scuffle which
    beforehand. The Union would have gained further high      briefly restricted her breathing.
    moral  ground  by  insisting  on  participation  by  other
    members of the workforce such as administration staff.    The  victim  also  scratched  her  own  face  during  the
    Everyone is affected by the perils of Covid.              scuffle in an attempt to free herself from the man’s vice-
                                                              like  grip.   He  eventually  let  go  of the  victim  and  later
                                                              apologised, to which she replied he needed to apologise
    Importantly, mere consultation is not enough. The entire   to his daughter who was present for the entire ordeal.
    workforce at the site concerned should have then been
    given  an  opportunity  to  express  their  opinion  on  any   Crown prosecutor Evan O’Hanlon-Rose said it was clear
    subsequent recommendations. The outcome of such a         from the victim impact statement the woman was “very
    process  is  almost  self-evident.  Witness  the  Qantas   rattled” by the incident.  “However, she has since felt like
    case.                                                     she has grown as a person and it has made both her
                                                              and the defendant move to better places,” he said.   “He
    In so doing, the union avoids the impossible position of   was lucky that he did not cause any serious injury to the
    being forced to take the side of either the no-jabbers or   complainant and this offending occurred in the presence
    those that prefer not to work with them. Quite rightly and   of their daughter.  “He has a history of domestic violence
    most importantly, the decision is left with those that will   which  is  a  feature  of  aggravation,  although I  note  his
    be most directly affected by the decision, the members    previous  domestic  violence  offences  haven’t  involved
    themselves.                                               physical assaults.”  Barrister Rob Glenday told the court
    This  was  said  as  much  in  edition  No.  17  of  the  R&F   his  client’s  assault,  despite  its  violent  nature,  was
                                                              relatively low level.  “It’s essentially a cut lip and she
    Newsletter issued 30 August last, prior to the Melbourne   scratched her face herself,”

                                                              Mr Glenday said.  “The hand over the mouth which was
                                                              mentioned  in  the  schedule  of  facts  was  done
                                                              spontaneously and it was very brief, probably a second
                                                              or  so.  “The  victim  had  no  difficulty  removing  the
                                                              defendant’s hand either, so there was no injury caused
    *********************************************************   from that as it was a very quick incident.”
    The Gladstone Observer Sept 8  2021.
                      Man threw a wooden box at his           Judge  Jeffrey  Clarke  highlighted  the  man’s  prolific
                      ex-partner     after   a    heated      domestic  violence  record  which  included  charges
                      argument over phone use.                committed against three different victims.  “You’ve had

                      Jacobbe  McBride      September  8,     23 court appearances in your time and commenced your
                      2021  “He  was  an  official  at  a     offending by contravening a Domestic Violence Order
                      union.  But  the  man,  who  has        when you were 24,” he said.
    committed  domestic  violence  offences  against
    three women, lost his freedom after  appearing in          “It would seem to me a combination of what you did and
                                                              said  flows  from  some  sense  of  jealousy,  a  need  for
    Gladstone  District  Court.”        A  union  official  who   attention and a need for relevance.  “It is unexplained
    assaulted his ex-partner with a wooden box in front of    why you would become concerned why she would be on
    their  child  was  jailed  in  Gladstone  District  Court  on   her phone then attacking her.
    Tuesday.  The man, in his 40s, pleaded guilty to assault
    occasioning  bodily  harm  while  armed  (domestic
    violence offence) after the incident at his ex-partner’s   “I view your offending as very serious; it was perpetrated
                                                              in the family home and within the victim’s bedroom, a
                                                              place of sanctuary and in the presence of a child.”  The
                                                              man  was  convicted  and  sentenced  to  18  months
    On July 14, 2019, around 10pm, the man was staying        imprisonment, suspended for two years after he served
    with the woman and their eight-year-old daughter and      six months. A conviction was recorded.
    had consumed several cans of alcohol throughout the
    night.  He entered the victim’s bedroom where she was     Today’s court listings are published as part of the News
    in bed with their daughter when an argument broke out     Corporation’s  commitment  to  the  public  interest.
    between them.  The man was agitated about the victim
    using her phone; however, it was not clear why.  He then   appearing  before  the  relevant  court  and  there  is  no
                                                              suggestion  whatsoever of  any  wrongdoing  by  anyone
    picked  up  their  daughter  who  had  been  sleeping,  but   named in these lists.   Michael Allan O’SHANE | | | 9:00
    then let her go and she fell back onto the bed.
                                                              AM | (Sentence)
    The victim yelled at the man for waking their daughter,   We  apologise  that  the  ‘publisher’s’  block  has  moved
    before he picked up a small wooden box and threw it at    down to a 4th page.                                                Page.3
    the  victim,  striking  her  in  the  back  which  caused
    bruising.  He then struck the victim in the face with an
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