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We  wanted  to  ensure  that  if  it  had  not  accompanied
    Newsletter  edition  #20,  it  could  be  construed  the
    Newsletter  publishers  were  distancing  ourselves  or
    didn’t agree with the contents. As always, the collective
    believe it is the members’ right to know as much as we
    can truthfully present. With public documents we believe
    they too are in the memberships public interest.

    MUA here to stay, AND so is the Qld R&F Newsletters.

    This  newsletter  is  published  by  Mike  Barber  (6224)  and  Jeff
    Langdon (5266/1819) on behalf of the Queensland Branch R&F
    Collective.    Members wishing to receive Newsletter’s to their
    own email address, send details to  Or
    direct  to
    and ‘apply’ Thanks Comrades.
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