Page 5 - Newsletter#15finalcopy
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Additionally,  the  Kalmar  workforce  found  it  difficult  to   After 5 long years, Kalmar tradesmen in Brisbane had
    obtain support from Patrick operational employees. This   finally   achieved   their   union-based    enterprise
    was put down to a suspicion of workers servicing and      agreement,  with  considerably  improved  salaries  and
    maintaining the highly automated equipment previously     working conditions. It should never be forgotten; such
    operated by Patrick’s own workforce.                      things don’t happen without workplace solidarity. That
                                                              begins with dedicated and committed people like Larry,
    MUA Qld Branch Officials of the day were also reluctant   along  with  like-minded,  supportive,  and  competent
    to  have  the  workers  join  the  union  or  support  any   officials like Paul Sheehan for example.
    campaign.  Despite  many  meetings  with  MUA  Deputy
    Branch  Secretary  Trevor  Munday  over  the  years,
    nothing eventuated. Applications for union membership
    by  Kalmar  employees  were  declined  by  the  Branch
    Secretary, Mick Carr.
    It  appears  there  was  concern that  Kalmar  employees
    were not employed in the stevedoring industry because
    they could be assigned to work on the company’s non-
    stevedoring operations as well, despite clear evidence
    that apart from one tradesman provided with a mobile
    workshop,  all  others  were  permanently  assigned  to
    Patrick stevedoring operations.

    There the matter simmered for a number of years. Not
    unreasonably,  Kalmar  tradesmen,  considered  it  too
    dangerous to take further action without support of the
    union or any show of solidarity from within the Patrick   We will continue with Part 2 of Larry Foley’s story in the
    operational  workforce  or  the  ATIVO  maintenance       next edition of the R&F Newsletter
                                                              Lies from an  MUA Official, Queensland
                                                              Branch Brisbane.
    In  August  2012,  Brisbane  based  Kalmar  employees
    appointed    Larry   Foley    as    their   workplace     For the few weeks I’ve been sitting on an email that was
    representative, whereupon he presented himself to the     sent to me from Mike Barber who was copied into the
    MUA  Branch  Office  and  despite  Trevor  Munday’s       email written by Paul Gallagher on June 20. The email
    concerns,  insisted  on  joining  the  union  and  obtaining   was  sent  to  all  branches  ,  officials  (  both  paid  and
    formal  recognition  as  the  Kalmar  workplace  MUA      honorary) and organisers of the MUA. The pertinent part
    delegate.  Larry  was  the  first  official  MUA  (Kalmar)   of  the  email  which  I  intend  to  answer,  is a  Quote
    delegate in Australia, and within a short space of time,   contained in his email.
    most of his workmates had similarly joined the union. As
    had others before him, he also reached out to Shane       “I find it interesting that the R&F publication advice
    Jenkins from the Kalmar workforce in Sydney, who went     to  Mikey  (O’Shane)  is  to  acknowledge  the  other
    on to become the site delegate.                           collaborators,  (of  it)  when  a  lot  of  it  itself,  is
                                                              obviously written by Bob Carnegie pretending to be
    At  about  this  time,  Larry  was  also  contacted  by  Qld   Mike Barber!” - (publishers’ comments for clarity)
    Assistant  Branch  Secretary  Paul  Sheehan,  who  while
    being relatively new to his official position, was a former   This statement emanating from the keyboard of Mr
    highly experienced wharfie delegate and determinedly      Paul Gallagher is an outright Lie!
    keen to support the Kalmar workforce.
                                                              Any  article  I  write  is  signed  off  by  me,  as  it  is  my
    Kalmar employees at the Patrick Terminal operations in    intellectual  property.  Gallagher’s  statement  is  also
    Sydney  also  began  agitating  for  change  and  with  the   hugely insulting to Mike Barber. Mike is an intelligent,
    positive support of MUA Sydney Branch Officials, Paul     erudite, working class fighter. Mike is more than capable
    Keating, and Joe Deakin, this led to the Sydney (MUA)     of  writing  his  own  articles.  There  are, I believe,  other
    Kalmar EBA being approved by the FWC early 2013.          contributors to the Rank-and-File publication who do not
                                                              put their name to the articles they write.
    Matters also changed for the better in Brisbane with the
    campaign  also  spreading  to  Melbourne  as  well.       That    is  because  they  fear  retribution  from  the  MUA
    Negotiations were held with Kalmar’s Australian Head      hierarchy, either in their employment being stymied, or
    Office  in  Melbourne  in  2013.  The  workforce  was     their  good  names  being  put  through  the  mud  by  the
    represented  by  Larry  along  with  Melbourne  delegate,   “poison tongues” who sadly hold some  positions in both
    John Shortis as well as MUA Officials Paul Sheehan,       National and State branches of the MUA.
    and Bob Patchett of Melbourne.                            Page.2
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