Page 6 - Newsletter#15finalcopy
P. 6

The  editors  of  the  Rank-and-File  newsletter,  Mike   “Bob, whilst their cooking you or me, they are leaving
    Barber and Jeff Langdon have both been my mates and       someone else alone” or as another good comrade told
    comrades for close to thirty years . They are good men.    me  several  times,  “We  didn’t  get  our  faces  playing
    It has also been reported to me that history is being re   I’ll  place  my  record  as  a  working-class  activist  and
    written concerning rights of entry concerning Sea Swift   fighter up against anyone’s. I’m proud of being a square
    vessels.  In 2018 Sea Swift management commenced          peg in a round hole.  Truth in the end will assert itself.
    defamation proceedings against Paul Gallagher due to
    a highly insulting, HIGHLY inappropriate content, Email   In Solidarity-Bob Carnegie   Union Number 9029940
    sent  to  a  senior  management  person  in  Sea  Swift.  It
    was, on the face of it, definitely defamatory.            Publishers’  Note:  Bob  contacted  Mike  and  Jeff  and
                                                              again affirms; “he has never submitted any accurate and
    I flew to Cairns and met with the General Manager of      factual article to the R&F Collective Newsletters, which
    Sea  Swift  and  negotiated  with  him  the  dropping  of   does  not  accompany  his  approval,  or  him  signing-off
    defamation proceedings against Paul Gallagher and the     without  his  name  and  union  number”.    The  publishers
    Union.  The  trade-off  was,  that  I  accompany  Paul    know this to be  true and factual.
    Gallagher on board for a period of time.
    It was not that Gallagher had to sit in a container on the   **************************************************************
    wharf. That is just another lie being perpetrated by shit-
    men. In fact, National Secretary Crumlin  thanked me for   Qld Branch-A Week of Delegate Training..
    fixing this very serious problem which, had it proceeded,
    would have cost the union a  fortune along with all the   Monday July 12-July 15 the Qld Branch held ‘Delegates
    associated bad publicity.                                 Level  1’,  Tuesday  the  Branch  Committee  Meeting,
                                                              Wednesday,  extra  training  for  delegates  on  ‘Sexual
    Paul Gallagher and his minions should get their facts     Harassment in the Workplace’ and ATSI affairs on the
    straight before they go on a “ let’s shit-can Bob “ diatribe.   Union’s position on the Uluru Statement from the Heart,
    I  think  there  are  certain  people  parading  around  as   coupled with a cultural awareness session. The last day,
    union  officials  and  a few  so-called  delegates that  are   Thursday was spent on a refresher course for HSR’s.
    fantasists. They tell so many lies that the lie becomes
    their reality.                                            I attended Wednesday on ‘ Sexual Harassment at the
                                                              workplace,’  delivered  by  Margo  Hoyte  from  the
    The last couple of years have been years in which I have   Queensland  Council  of  Union’s    (QCU)  .    In  the
    learnt a lot about real friendship. It would have been an   afternoon I participated in the ATSI affairs session, with
    easy thing to drop me like a hot spud, some did but the   Thomas Mayor and Allan Lui.
    good men and women of the working-class movement
    did not. That’s life.                                     Margo’s contribution was presented via power point with
                                                              Q&A process throughout and the ‘Why’ such legislation
    My friendship with Paul Petersen is stronger today than   is Law and in the industrial arena, accompanied with the
    it ever was. Paul and I speak on an irregular basis, and    Anti-discrimination Act, and the  WHS Act. And more
    I  know  he  is  doing  his  best  in  very  difficult    recently the 2020  Respect@Work campaign.
                                                              “Every worker has the right to dignity, respect and
    The  treatment  of the  branch’s  former  office manager,   to  work  in  an  environment  free  from  all  forms  of
    Carol  Conlon,  will  forever  stand  as  a  blight  on  those   harassment,  including  sexual  harassment”  Margo
    responsible.  This  not  only  includes  the  Branch      outlined,  while  breaches  of  these  rights  can  occur
    Executive ( with the exception of Paul Petersen) but also   anywhere,  today’s  discussion  was  focussed  upon
    Crumlin who lacked the moral resolve to override the      workplace harassment.
    power drunk executive.
    As  I  stated  earlier  many  members  do  not  speak  up   Sexual and workplace harassment is one of ‘personal
    because they feel intimidated.  We understand that, and   perception’ and how YOU feel when such actions are
    that’s why Mike and Jeff kicked off this newsletter.      expressed. How uncomfortable you feel when directed
                                                              towards you.
    As  far  as  attempts  go  at  intimidating  myself,
    sections of the MUA hierarchy and a tiny grouping         Statistics show sexual harassment in the workplace has
    of rank-and-file crawlers, have been trying for more      increased 33%in the last five years. What can you, the
    than a quarter of a century to break and silence me.      Union, and  indeed, the employer do? Margo reinforced
    I’ve been knocked down, but each time I’ve got up         some guidelines, ‘Report It - stop it before it starts’,
    again, stronger than ever. As I will again this time,     ‘Commit  to  taking  action’  and  for  the  Union  and
    have no doubt about that comrades!                        Employer’s  ‘Ensure  regular  reviews  of  sexual
                                                              harassment policies’ apply them, particularly as part
    I’ve had that much shit poured on me by these pathetic,   of a union’s governance processes, and for employers
    weak, loud mouthed, deformed personality types, that at   – part of their duty of care, to ensure it is dealt with and
    times it can wear one down, but I have always had good    stamped out.!
    comrades , men like Jeff Langdon who has always said
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