Page 7 - Newsletter#15finalcopy
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On  Video pages of the Newsletter Flipbook versions, I’ll   Page.4
    place simple, but effective YouTube links, In summary
    Margo reminded us of some vital statistic. 2 in 5 women                                  Journalist        Kerry
    (39%)  and  1  in  4  men  (26%)  face  such  sexual                                     O’Brien  acknowledged
    harassment.                                                                              Charlie  Perkins  was
                                                                                             the first Aboriginal man
    The age group most prevalent  are those between 18–                                      to    graduate    from
    29-year  Old’s.  Other’s  more  likely  are  ATSI  people,                               university         and
    People with disability, LGBQT community, workers from                                    continued  to  advocate
    cultural and linguistically diverse backgrounds, migrant                                 for    ATSI    peoples
    and  visa  holders  with  insecure  work,  and  casual  and                              throughout his life. His
    labour hire, or part time workers.                                                       niece Thea Perkins, an
                                                              indigenous  artist,  has  paid  tribute  to  her  grandfather
    These  same  statistics  show  the  risks    of  sexual   Charlie, with her painting, titled: “A bastard like me” and
    harassment rises when a person faces multiple forms of    is a finalist in this years Telstra National Aboriginal and
    discrimination,  and  these  factors  make  it  less  likely   Torres Strait Islander Art Awards in the NT on August
    harassment of any kind will be reported! The Australian   7 .an event to be staged live online. Check the link.
    Human  Rights  Commission  found  the  cost  of  sexual
    harassment to the Australian economy is estimated to
    be around $3billion, over 5yrs, partly from a significant   While  the    focus    on  last  Wednesday’s  session  with
    loss  of  productivity  in  the  workplace  as  well  as   Thomas  Mayor  and  Alan  Lui,  on  Indigenous  cultural
    compensation and other costs.                             issues  are  to  be  lauded,  and  given  the  MUA’s
                                                              internationalism one would have thought, the UN event
    Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) session.       celebrating the yearly July 18  for ‘Nelson Mandela Day’
                                                              would have received a similar level of  recognition and
    Newly  appointed  Asst/National  Secretary  for  First    should  have  been  included  in  the  Qld  Branch  News.
    Peoples’, Thomas Mayor held a Zoom link to delegates      Nelson  Mandela  visited  Australia  and  in  his  tour,
    attending  this  session,  followed  by  Alan  Lui  who   pointedly paid tribute to the SUA at the Sussex Street
    elaborated  upon  a  history  of  Indigenous  people,     offices  for  its  role  in  support  for  the  international
    particularly in the Torres Strait Islands and the heritage   sanctions, that tipped the balance towards the ‘downfall
    and customs and island laws.                              of the Apartheid Regime’.

    Thomas  explained  that  Aboriginal  &  Torres  strait                                    When elected the first
    Islander Commission (ATSI) communities were the first                                     Black  African  to  the
    to claim sovereignty and had laws and customs of their                                    White  South  Africa
    own. He outlined the struggle for indigenous recognition                                  State,  instead  of  the
    and land rights since the British invasion in 1788 and the                                predicted   retribution
    initial Penal Colony.  Thomas outlined the long struggle                                  by fearful international
    to achieve some critical benchmarks in advancement.                                       and      white     SA
                                                                                              community,         he
    *“from ‘settler colony to industrial capitalism, from the                                 opened up a ‘truth and
    colonial  genocidal war to the heroic war of resistance”                                           reconciliation
                                                                                              process’,   to   bring
    From the Indigenous slaughter of  1838 Myall Massacre                                     South  Africa’s  mixed
    to  the  Pilbara  Strike  in  46-49,  the  Darwin  Aboriginal   community together.  Of his  27-year  incarceration  and
    Strikes  47-51.  Petitions and  protests, marches etc  by   struggle for freedom, and upon his release from Robin
    Charlie Perkins ex WWF worker and his Freedom Ride        Island  he said,  “courage is not the absence of fear,
    in  65.    John  Howard’s  Government  deliberately       but the triumph over it”.  Sadly,  It’s a shame very little
    undermined the ATSIC representative body.                 progress has been achieved since his passing.

    From the many struggles in between, to the Wave Hill      The same edition confirmed attendance by the ‘Branch’
    walkout, which led to the Aboriginal Land Rights (NT)     (officials?)  to  the  NAIDOC  Week  Awards  and  to  the
    Act in 1976, the Mabo Decision and the recent coming      inaugural  Rail  Transport  &  Bus  Union  (RTBU)
    together  of  all  indigenous  peoples  to  agree  upon  the   conference,  with  both  conferences  held  in  Brisbane.
    Uluru statement of the Heart, with its central demand for   Forming  closer  ties  with  such  transport  unions  is
    Constitutional Recognition and a VOICE in Parliament.     commendable and necessary.
                                                              The Acting Branch Secretary identified participating in a
    *(see: Marxist left review No21-by Jordon Humphreys       ‘delegate  focused  educational    process’,    aimed  at
    for  a  fuller  analysis  of  a  Marxist  explanation  of   RTBU  R&F  members.  You’d  think  that  MUA  R&F
    Indigenous oppression Today)                              members would also have been of some useful benefit
                                                              between the shared experience of  both organisations     R&F members.?  We note the  MUA National Secretary
    review/products/marxist-left-review-21                    attended.
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