Page 4 - Icynene v. Rigid Foam Ebook
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All of Icynene’s medium density spray foam products                 Quick Facts:educational-advertiseMent                                                                                                                                                                                                    All photos courtesy of ICYNENE, Inc
have been tested, evaluated and noted as air                      Design AdvantagesSprayfoaminsulationcanachieve
impermeable, a key feature of air barrier materials, in their
ICC-ES evaluation reports. The thickness this                     truly continuous insulation in
characteristic has achieved varies from 1” to 1.4”                commercial buildings as required by
according to the product. Icynene ProSeal has been                energy codes, particularly in curved
evaluated and listed by ABAA as an air barrier material           or irregular shaped walls.
according to its air permeance (airtightness) test results
from ASTM E 2178. The testing of Icynene ProSeal Eco
according to ASTM E 2178 also found a high level of
airtightness that allows it too to be classified as “air


It is recognized by organizations such as ABAA that the

use of medium density spray foam (as well as rigid foam

insulation board) products in exterior continuous

insulation wall applications requires membrane materials

Continuous Insulation:(self-adhered or liquid) to prove performance in key areas
                                                                  Architects can achieve total design flexibility in ConTinuinG eDuCaTion

such as through wall flashings, wall transitions and              Spray Foam Comparedcommercial building projects when specifying IcyneEAnRNeONE AIA/CES HSW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      lEARNINg uNIt (lu)
control joints.                                                   ProSeal and Icynene ProSeal Eco in continuouslearning Objectives
to Rigid BoardstcCeoosmtnespdeoqanuneednntltisslytoe, fIdcsybunycehAnBaeAsgAyosateessmttho.eIgckryeenyaetcnloeemnPgprtoohSnseetaonl thdoaefsfianbneeeathnirebSMpeoentdtsoeiruredmr■ivben■a-ySssdrIuuCuieolYitlntaNsusatEisaibtNotywElnle,|crpy:BoylbfisPoceottaaetrmthJi.oAicnrnsesasnuav. ulialtBt,tyFiooAfItnAihl,lcNoaaCnAfnfRedpB,rrLocdEvoEeiDdnsAeitPginnufoleuxsibeila2a1xib..fttieplsicedentypxeorseettrrumreoanfeloiry:tarpaiinroftfdmayioirorioatnaewnhmngatewcrhltileicehntahhisccssauostharlhenaaaromttrtciiaisnotcbeceulneltriooeie,fsuofrystismio.rscltuuyseicsidsoneshifsuoiohunmfuilgarel-idthgxdet-ibedednerbisoiotryard
barrier assembly. Icynene ProSeal Eco is also in the applicationshe design of exterior wall assemblies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                wall assemblies.
                                                                                                                                                               has become increasingly focused on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             3. investigate the use of spray foam
process of being recognized. Among the many rigid foam T Tested in NFPA 285 approved wall assemblies forperfor■m■ ance for greater energy efficiency                                                                                                                                                            insulation to achieve multiple performance
                                                                                                                  board insulation located over the exterior                                                                                                                                                    traits in one product including thermal, air,
                                                                                                                  structural face and behind exterior claddings.
                                                                                                                  While this may be a common choice, it is not                                                                                                                                                  and water resistance.

                                                                                                                  the only one. In fact, closer review suggests that                                                                                                                                         4. assess the ability of spray foam insulation
                                                                                                                  using field-applied spray foam insulation, of                                                                                                                                                 to be installed with fewer steps and at a
                                                                                                                  a medium density, may be a better choice for                                                                                                                                                  lesser cost than assemblies using rigid
                                                                                                                  many situations. This has been found to be true                                                                                                                                               foam insulation.
                                                                                                                  when looked at in terms of design flexibility,
insulation boards that exist in the marketplace, only four        and resistance to air and water penetration.
rigid foam insulation boards have currently received the
                                                                  more design flexibilityThe 2015 International Energy Conservation
air barrier assembly designation.
                                                                  Code and ASHRAE 90.1 now require insulation
                                                                  that is continuous in wall assemblies (i.e. not

                                                                  Fire tested for commercial building types I, II, III, IVinterrupted b■y■ studs, framing, etc.) in all eight

                                                                                                                  performance, construction efficiency, and cost.
                                                                  and V constructionclimate zones within the United States. This                                                                                                                                                                             to receive aia/ces credit, you are required
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to read the entire article and pass the test.
                                                                  push for continuous insulation in exterior wall

                                                                  assemblies is also reflected in green building  Comparison of foam                                                                                                                                                                         Go to for
To make an air barrier system, these products typically           Wide range of cost effective ASTM E119 tests ofstandards an■d■ the desires of building owners
                                                                                                                  insulaTion Types                                                                                                                                                                           complete text and to take the test for free.

                                                                  to reduce energy costs. The response by many    Plastic foam insulation has been in use for                                                                                                                                                AIA/CES COURSE #K1506C

require sealants to be applied at all joints and                  rated assemblies for flexibilityarchitects has often been to use rigid foam
                                                                                                                  decades on a range of applications from coffee

penetrations—a very laborious process. Furthermore, the           ■■ One hour, two hour as well as three hour fire ratings
sealing tends to get applied on the exterior, which is the         appropriate for a greater range of structure types
most vulnerable location in terms of temperature and
humidity changes.                                                 ■■ One formulation with superior adhesion to
                                                                   common building substrates under a wide range of

4. DESIGN FLEXIBILITY                                              environmental conditions

Spray foam can readily adhere to curved, irregular, or            Icynene ProSeal can be sprayed year round, even at
unique shapes and conditions. “Spray foam provides                cold temperatures as low as 23°F while Icynene
flexibility for designers,” Duffy emphasizes. “In fact, it’s the  ProSeal Eco can be sprayed year round in
flexibility of the product that they are often interested in,     temperatures as low as 5°F.
which then becomes a springboard to them learning
about its other characteristics.”                                 For more details, check out this video, which details
                                                                  the performance advantages as well as the cost
5. WATER RESISTIVE BARRIER                                        savings of closed cell spray foam in steel frame and
                                                                  CMU continuous insulation applications.

All of Icynene’s medium density spray foam products are           barrier at the foam’s exterior surface and drain down it
considered as water resistive barriers since they have very       and not continue progressing into the wall assembly
low water absorption per ASTM D 2842 and are capable              where it could cause damage. Icynene ProSeal and
of shedding water. Consequently when used as exterior             Icynene ProSeal Eco have been evaluated according to
continuous insulation, water that may have gotten past
the cladding system would meet the water resistive

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              THE EVOLUTION OF INSULATION ™
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