Page 5 - Icynene v. Rigid Foam Ebook
P. 5

Steel Framing for Exterior Walls

CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM                               Gypsum Sheathing                               RIGID XPS FOAM BOARD                                  Polyethylene and
STEEL FRAMING (LGMF) WALLS                               with Embedded                              STEEL FRAMING (LGMF) WALLS                         Rubberized Asphalt
MAJOR COMPONENTS:                                              Glass Mats                           MAJOR COMPONENTS:
                                                                                                                                                               Sheet Barrier
1/2” Gypsum                                                                                         1/2” Gypsum
Wallboard                                                                                           Wallboard                                                      Joint Tape
Taped                                                                                               Taped
and Finished                                                                                        and Finished                                                 3” Extruded
                                                     3” Closed-Cell                                 3-5/8” 25 Ga.                                                   Insulation
                                                                Spray                               Metal Stud
                                                                                                    & Track,                                                              R-15
                                                      Polyurethane                                  16” O.C.
                                                           Insulation                                                                                           Brick Veneer

3-5/8” 25 Ga.                                        Brick Veneer                                   Gypsum
Metal Stud &                                                                                        Sheathing
Track, 16” O.C.                                                                                     with Embedded
                                                                                                    Glass Mats

1/2” Gypsum Wallboard, Taped and Finished            $1.55                                          1/2” Gypsum Wallboard, Taped and Finished          $1.55
3-5/8” 25 Ga. Metal Stud & Track, 16” O.C.           $4.58                                          3-5/8” 25 Ga. Metal Stud & Track, 16” O.C.         $4.58
Gypsum Sheathing with Embedded Glass Mats            $1.88                                          Gypsum Sheathing with Embedded Glass Mats          $1.88
3” Closed-Cell Spray Polyurethane Insulation (R-15)  $2.83                                          Polyethylene and Rubberized Asphalt Sheet Barrier  $2.78
Brick Veneer                                         $16.10                                         3” Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Insulation (R-15)    $2.42
                                                                                                    Brick Veneer                                       $16.10
TOTAL PER SQUARE FOOT                                $26.94
                                                                                                    TOTAL PER SQUARE FOOT                              $29.31


                  The information detailed above is intended to provide a general cost comparison of commercial air barrier assemblies designed with foam plastic insulation materials of the
                  same thickness. Figures do not include scaffolding costs, which can vary widely. R-Value performance will vary by product. Additionally, some rigid foam board products may

ICC-ES AC71, the Acceptance Criteria for Foam Plastic vapor permeable or impermeable versions, so care isoffer installation techniques allowing for the elimination of some of these generic assembly components such as Gypsum sheathing with embedded glass mats. Consult with

SheathminanugfactPurearsnfoer splsecifUic dseteailsd. as Water-Resistive Barriers, and              needed to ensure that the correct product is chosen for

are offiTcEiCaHllNyICdAeLs/igEnNaGtINeEdEaRsINwG aSUtePrPOreRsTis- tCivAeLLb1a.8r0r0ie.7r5s8..7325  the wall assembly as its drying potential will be affected.

(Figure 3 on page 3 is an example of a construction detail For example, a very low water vapor permeance

that highlights the performance of the spray foam as a                                              membrane material (class I vapor retarder) used over an

water resistive barrier.)                                                                           entire wall surface, in conjunction with a rigid foam

6. WATER VAPOR PERMEANCE                                                                            insulation board application, would restrict the drying of
                                                                                                    the wall much more than a medium density spray foam

Even though they can become a Class II vapor retarder (at                                           application of significantly greater thickness and thermal
noted thicknesses), all of Icynene’s medium density spray                                           performance.
foam products would allow an assembly to dry more
easily than equivalent thicknesses of all foil faced/skinned                                        7. DIMENSIONAL STABILITY

rigid foam insulation boards (either aluminum or foil                                               Both ProSeal and ProSeal Eco have tested for dimensional
based) and most unfaced foam boards. Therefore, spray                                               stability, which provides an indication how the foams
foam provides a wall with greater drying potential (to the                                          change dimensionally at different and severe temperature
outdoors) which should result in enhanced durability and                                            and humidity environments. Therefore, an architect can
longevity. If having a low water vapor permeance material                                           have confidence that their use will result in stable, long
on the exterior side of a wall assembly is a concern, note                                          term performance of the exterior continuous insulation
that the lesser the thickness of medium density spray                                               foil layer. Icynene design details provide solutions such as
foam, the greater the drying potential of the wall.                                                 locking strips at key transitions to help ensure spray foam

Also consider that membrane materials can be applied in bonds well to transition materials.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              THE EVOLUTION OF INSULATION ™
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