Page 6 - Icynene v. Rigid Foam Ebook
P. 6

CMU Exterior Block Walls

CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM                                                                  RIGID XPS FOAM BOARD
MASONRY WALLS                                                                           MASONRY WALLS
MAJOR COMPONENTS:                                                                       MAJOR COMPONENTS:

1/2” Gypsum             3” Closed-Cell Spray                                            1/2” Gypsum                                           Polyethylene and
Wallboard                         Polyurethane                                          Wallboard                                          Rubberized Asphalt
Taped                                  Insulation                                       Taped
and Finished                                 R-15                                       and Finished                                               Sheet Barrier

                                                                                    VS                                                                 Joint Tape

                                                                                        8” CMU

8” CMU                                                                Brick Veneer      Brick Veneer                                                    3” Extruded
                                                                                                                                           (XPS) Insulation R-15

                 1/2” Gypsum Wallboard, Taped and Finished            $1.55             1/2” Gypsum Wallboard, Taped and Finished          $1.55
                                                                      $11.45            8” CMU                                             $11.45
                 8” CMU                                               $2.83             Polyethylene and Rubberized Asphalt Sheet Barrier  $2.78
                                                                      $16.10            3” Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Insulation (R-15)    $2.42
                 3” Closed-Cell Spray Polyurethane Insulation (R-15)                    Brick Veneer                                       $16.10

                 Brick Veneer

(continued from page 6)

TOTAL PER SQUARE FOOT                                                 $31.93            TOTAL PER SQUARE FOOT                              $34.30


                  The information detailed above is intended to provide a general cost comparison of commercial air barrier assemblies designed with foam plastic insulation materials of the same
                  thickness. Figures do not include scaffolding costs, which can vary widely. R-Value performance will vary by product. Additionally, some rigid foam board products may offer

8. COLD TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS in fire-rated assemblies (per ASTM E 119 and NFPA 285)installation techniques allowing for the elimination of some of these generic assembly components. Consult with manufacturers for specific details.

All of IcTEyCnHeNnICeA’sLm/ EeNdGiIuNmEERdIeNGnsSiUtyPPsOpRraTy- CfoAaLLm1.8p0r0o.7d5u8.c73t2s5can for Code compliant walls.

be applied in cold conditions and to cold substrate                                     Other fire-rated assemblies and NFPA 285 compliant

materials in accordance with their installation guidelines. walls have been determined on a case by case basis

ProSeal Eco is particularly useful for cold weather work                                through our fire engineering consultant’s examination of

since it can be successfully applied to substrates as cold assembly construction details. Icynene medium density

as 5°F (-15°C). This capability makes it an industry leader spray foam’s fire performance characteristics are different

for winter time use as exterior continuous insulation.                                  than extruded polystyrene foam boards in that they do

ProSeal has cold temperature capabilities similar to or                                 not melt at high temperatures. Furthermore, although

better than other medium density spray foams with                                       Icynene’s medium density spray foam products are

substrates allowed to be as cold as 22°F (-5.5°C) for an                                considered combustible according to the Code, they will

application.                                                                            not sustain a fire once the fire-source is removed.

9. FIRE RESISTANCE                                                                      A Smart Option

Both spray foam and rigid foam insulation board products                                Properly used and installed, all insulation will help reduce
are considered combustible and this installation is                                     the use of energy for heating and cooling in buildings,
allowed in non-combustible assemblies provided that the                                 which will help with sustainable and efficient building
assembly non-combustibility requirements in the Building                                performance. When comparing spray foam and board
Code are met. All of Icynene’s medium density spray (and                                insulation however, there are several notable differences.
low density) foam products have been evaluated for use

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              THE EVOLUTION OF INSULATION ™
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