Page 45 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2021
P. 45

Gasping for Air
                                            “I’m at the stage where I just want more fresh air. My old apartment was 600 square feet with no control.
                                            Now I’m renting a house, but still have no control over my indoor air.
                                            “We live in San Francisco, so sometimes I want to open the window. But then the humidity goes up, or wildfire
                                            smoke comes in, so it’s hard to find a balance. Since I’m renting the house, I can’t exactly put an ERV in.
                                            I haven’t really broached that subject with the landlord.”
                                            DEAN YOUNG, AWAIR, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA
                         RYAN MERES
                                                                                                                    Digital tools.
                                            Longing for                                                             Smart
                                            Smarter Tech                                                            available to
                                                                                                                    millennials has
                                            “I’m trying to work out more, to live
                                                                                                                    made them
                                            a healthier lifestyle. I’d love to have
                                                                                                                    more aware of
                                            a Nest thermostat in my home, like
                                            I did at my last place. I didn’t have
                                            to think about it. It allowed me to
                                                                                                                    CREDIT: BILL OXFORD/
                                            save energy and mental space.”                                          ISTOCK
                                            NICOLE LEBLANC, WHIRLPOOL,
                                            ST. JOSEPH, MICHIGAN

                                            Homesteading with a Conscience

                                            “My wife and I are avid cooks. We have a garden, and we get all of our meat from ButcherBox,
                                            so it’s all grass fed, grass finished, organic chicken. My No. 1 upgrade would be an induction
                                            cooktop…that’s the last gas appliance I need to replace in order to get off gas completely.
                                            “The worst thing about our home is probably the poor foundation waterproofing. It creates
                                            periodic wetness in the basement, which is bad for air quality.”
                                            RYAN MERES, PROGRAM DIRECTOR, RESNET

                                            Primed for Transformation
                                            “I live in a dorm in New York City. One thing I wish I had was more space-saving things is my
                                            apartment, things that have multiple purposes.
                                            “I’m interested in housing and living and creating communities that have architecture that’s
                                            in tune with nature, windows that follow the wind pattern, housing that isn’t so monotone.”
                      JEROME FOSTER II
                                            JEROME FOSTER II, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ONE MILLION OF US, NYC

                                            Three Dog Nights

                                             “I have one dog and my partner has two
                                                                                                         Foul play. Dirty
                                            dogs. The problem is that the return grill
                                                                                                         return vents,
                                            (for the air handler) is on the ground, so it
                                                                                                         sometimes due to
                                            fills up and clogs with pet hair all the time.
                                                                                                         bad design (floor
                                            “Aside from that, a kitchen exhaust is                       vents with pets)
                                            definitely on my most wanted list. I don’t                   or lazy landlords
                          JON YOUNG
                                            like how air just creeps in to my place                      can make indoor
                                            and there’s no way to control. In a lot of                   air even worse.
                                            places in Texas, operable windows are                        CREDIT: KOBZEV3179/ISTOCK
                                            not an option.”
                                            JON YOUNG, DVR ENGINEERING
                                            CONSULTANTS, HOUSTON, TEXAS

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