Page 49 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2021
P. 49




                                                                                                    LIFE WITH PURPOSE




                                                 Austin’s heat and the combined                        What do millennials want
                                                 forces of allergies and her dogs are                  when it comes to housing?

                                                 no match for the cooling systems                      We’ve got the rare, up-close
                                                                                                       inside scoop! Follow Tiana
                                                 in Tiana Cooper’s ReVISION house.                     as she traverses the home

                                                                                                       shopping, buying and
                                                 BY MICHELE LERNER                                     renovating process, with
                                                         EDUCING HER ENVIRONMENTAL FOOTPRINT
                                                         was the top priority for millennial influencer   Green Builder’s expert
                                                         Tiana  Cooper  when she planned to remodel    advice on her side.
                                                         her Austin, Texas home. But, resiliency is also
                                                         extremely important. “I want to be self-sufficient
                                                                                                       All facts and figures come from
                                               R so that if there’s a power outage like the one Texas   COGNITION data. To learn more,
                                                 experienced earlier this year, I won’t be out in the cold,”   visit:
                                                 she says.                                             cognition-smart-data
                                                  Cooper chose LG’s 350-watt NeON  2 solar modules to
                                                 provide a reliable source of power for her home and electric
                                                 vehicle (EV). In addition, she opted for a multizone heating
                                                 and air conditioning system, which works together with
                                                 Greenfiber insulation for an energy-efficient, comfortable
                                                 home. The central vacuum system from H-P  Products
                                                 provides indoor air quality benefits as well as easy cleaning,
                                                 and the LiftMaster garage door opener provides ventilation   Millennials lead the home
                                                 and safety benefits whether Cooper is at home or away.
                                                                                                          improvement charge,
                                                  “Like most people, I’m just really busy with work and travel,
                                                                                                          with approximately
                                                 so the most important thing about this house remodel is that   82% implementing
                                                 all the products work together as a system and can be accessed
                                                 remotely,” says Cooper. “It makes it super easy to live here   at least one home
                                                 and will save me money on utility bills in the long run. These   improvement project
                                                 energy-efficient, smart technologies will help me make sure
                                                                                                              this year.
                                                 the house performs optimally.”

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