Page 50 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2021
P. 50
Adaptability of Power down. The inverted compressor by LG uses less power
than a standard heat pump because it runs at variable
speeds. The system provides more stable temperatures and
HVAC system requires less backup power, meaning it would require a smaller
generator to power the HVAC should the power go out.
Triple-digit temperatures and humidity are the hallmarks of an COURTESY OF LG ELECTRONICS
Austin summer, but even the mild winters were uncomfortable
in Cooper’s house. She realized the decades-old HVAC system
wasn’t working well.
“It didn’t have zoning, so there would be parts of the house
that were super freezing or hot,” says Cooper. “Plus, I was
paying a lot in utilities.”
Cooper travels often and doesn’t always use every part of
her house, so it didn’t make sense for the environment or her
budget to condition areas of the house that were unused. She
selected two indoor systems, one to retrofit into an existing
ducted system and a second ductless system, both connected
to the outdoor heat pump.
“We installed the ductless indoor system into the largest
pantry I’ve ever seen,” says Terry Frisenda, executive sales
manager at LG Electronics. “When Tiana travels, the dogs
stay in the pantry, so it’s smart to be able to cool that room
individually and raise the temperature in the rest of the house.”
Technology makes it easy to change systems and create new
zones with ductless or ducted systems, says Frisenda.
“We’ve solved one of the oldest struggles of heating and air
conditioning, which was uneven temperatures not only from
one level to another in a house but even from one end of a large
ranch house to another,” says Frisenda. “Ductless systems can
easily be used to individually manage temperatures. Instead
of running a larger system, you can consume less energy with
individual systems.”
In addition, the inverted compressor installed by LG uses
less power than a standard heat pump because it runs at
variable speeds rather than via a simple on and off switch.
The system provides more-stable temperatures and requires
less backup power, meaning fewer solar panels and a smaller
generator are needed to run the HVAC.
Energy efficiency retrofits: ■ Installing LED lighting and natural Water retrofits:
lighting via tubular skylights
■ Installing solar ■ Installing leak detection and water
■ Replacing inefficient windows and
■ Installing super-efficient heat pump monitoring systems
water heaters and HVAC systems ■ Installing spot or whole-home water
■ Upgrading pool pumps to more
■ Installing EnergyStar appliances filtration systems
efficient models
■ Installing smart thermostats and
energy monitoring systems Indoor Air Quality retrofits: Up to 20%
■ Replacing old roofs with energy Upgrading vent fans and range hoods
■ can be saved
efficient metal and/or cool roofs Installing ERVs and whole-home air
■ Sealing attic venting on heating and cooling
filtration systems
■ Putting ducts inside conditioned Installing proactive IAQ monitoring bills with a new energy
space systems efficient system.
■ Adding a radiant barrier
48 GREEN BUILDER September/October 2021