Page 32 - CodeWatcher Spring 2017 Issue
P. 32

Code Trends

            The Power of the

            Paper Lobby

            Do voting guides affect vote totals?

           I       F YOU’VE EVER BEEN INVOLVED with code devel-  code hearings, we wanted to see if there was any discernible

                                                                  Because voting guides have become so commonplace at
                   opment at the national level, you’ve come across at
                                                                increase in the number of votes cast on the most commonly
                   least one voting guide. For those outside that small
                                                                highlighted code change proposals.
                   universe of people, you might be wondering: What
                   are voting guides? Who publishes them? Do they
                                                                  To do this, we looked at the voting guides for the four
                   have any effect on voting?
                     A voting guide is a document that attempts to
                                                                voting totals for code change proposals where three or more
                                                                organizations advocated for or against the same proposal.
            persuade governmental voting members. In essence, it’s a   previously mentioned groups. We then looked at the ICC
            form of paper lobbying. The guide conveys an organization’s   There were eight such proposals. Finally, we compared the
            stance on a particular code change proposal, or in some   vote totals for the eight common proposals to the median
            cases, a large number of proposals.                 vote total of 292. The results are in the table below:
              Guides can vary in length, from one page to a small book.
            They are usually color-coded, with red indicating a desire to   Proposal  RE58  RE100  RE134  RE135  RE156  RE166  RE173  RE179
            oppose a particular measure. Yellow can indicate neutrality,   Vote   449  369  489  378  425  388  423  444
            and green typically represents approval or support. Such   Distance
            colors, or simple Yes/No declarations, can be accompanied   from   +157  +77  +197  +86  +133  +96  +131  152
            by a short rationale.                                Median
              The ICC does not allow these publications to be distributed   We also compared the vote totals for the eight common
            at voters’ seats, but they do allow these materials to be placed   proposals to the mean vote total of 308 (307.9765, to be exact).
            on tables in the back of the large room where voting takes   The results are in the following table:
            place. Voting members are free to take any and all voting   Proposal  RE58  RE100  RE134  RE135  RE156  RE166  RE173  RE179
            guides of their choosing.
              Special interest groups, including the Natural Resources   Vote   449  369  489  378  425  388  423  444
            Defense Council, National Association of Home Builders,   Distance
            American Wood Council/American Plywood Association and   from   +141  +77  +181  +70  +117  +80  +115  +136
            the Energy Efficient Codes Coalition, published voting guides   Mean
            for the 2018 Group B public comment hearings in October   Finally, of the 85 IECC-R code change proposals, all
            2016. This round of code hearings included the IECC-R,   eight proposals examined above fall in the top 15 highest
            which will be examined in greater detail below.     vote totals. RE134, RE58, and RE179 were the three IECC-R
              The creation of voting guides is a substantial undertaking,   proposals with the most votes cast.
            with organizations dedicating a significant amount of time to   The evidence above shows that voting guides have a clear
            the effort. Some allocate hours and even days of staff time, while   effect on vote totals. CW
            others assemble a committee of volunteers to pore over the code
            change proposals that most directly affect their constituencies.  Mike Collignon is the executive director of the Green Builder Coalition.

              Author’s Note: We want to be clear that the above analysis does not attempt to determine the effect of voting guides on voting outcomes. That would
              require more extensive research, including the surveying of governmental voting members and individual ballot analysis. The ICC protects its members’
              privacy, as it should, so that research is not possible without a sizable number of governmental voting members willfully or publicly sharing their ballots.

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