Page 36 - CodeWatcher Spring 2017 Issue
P. 36


                                         IN THIS ISSUE…

                                       “Make no mistake, the all-out assault on virtually every
                                       form of regulation and government oversight by the current
                                       Administration and its lackeys in recent weeks is part of a
                                       larger ideological war that is being waged—a war on being
                                       forced to take responsibility and be subjected to accountability.”
                                       Ron Jones, Code Warrior

                                       “If you are building like the ‘second little pig,’ you can already
                                       see the problem with wood. You need to think about resiliency.
                                       You need to survive tornadoes, hurricanes, and other
                                       Anthony Aebi, Greenhill Contracting

                                       “For builders and those who work within the energy efficiency
                                       space, this [study] provides credible evidence for homeowners
                                       about the associated health benefits of home energy efficiency
                                       activities and should be utilized to help consumers understand
                                       the potential health benefits of such efforts.”
                                       Stacy Fitzgerald-Redd, NAIMA

                                       “We need to break the climate silence and teach how to lead
                                       with the environment, with emotion not dollar savings, then
                                       offer dollar savings as reassuring logic. There is an urgency
                                       to get this done, to attack the 40 percent [greenhouse gas
                                       contribution] of buildings. 75% of people want to make a
                                       difference, and you can help them make a difference.”
                        15             Frank O’Brien-Bernini, Owens Corning

                                       “Today’s real estate industry continues to rely on creative writing
                                       skills, visual eye candy, and aspirational sales pitches to drive home
                                       sales. Notice the gaps in data from home to home. There is no
                                       history of cost of living, and no way to way to show the intangible
                                       attributes—comfort, air quality, durability. The ability for a home
                                       buyer or real estate agent to access meaningful data about the home
                                       is severely limited.”
                        15             John Gillette, Energy Inspectors
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