Page 34 - CodeWatcher Spring 2017 Issue
P. 34

Better Than Code

            Are Stucco's Days Numbered?

            Building officials should familiarize themselves

            with this alternative to three-coat stucco.

            BY NICK OVERMANN

                          HE TRADITIONAL STUCCO look remains    hydration cycling required for the proper application of
                          popular in a variety of housing styles, and   traditional stucco scratch and brown coats, which would
                          now a new substrate and textured acrylic   add time to the installation process.)
                          finish system makes that look a whole lot   “Three-coat stucco can take several weeks for installation,
                          easier for builders to achieve while adding   but the LP ArmorStrand system can be installed in just three
                          other desirable features. An independent   to four days,” points out David Josey, segment manager,
           Tevaluation by product research and                  Single Family New Construction, Siding, LP Building
            development company, IBACOS, has attested that a substrate   Products. “The system typically incurs lower material costs
            and textured acrylic finish system has the potential for   and has shorter cure times.”
            improved labor savings over traditional three-coat stucco.
              IBACOS conducted both in-field and off-site evaluations   Water and Energy Performance
            of LP ArmorStrand featuring Dryvit TAFS 3 and found that   A life-cycle load test per ASTM E233 criteria subjected the
            the system clearly has positive economic value compared   surface condition of the wall to 10 specific load weights. The
            to three-coat stucco, while meeting all necessary durability   test panel showed no visible signs of surface cracking, thus
            requirements to combat (natural) elements.          meeting the established criteria.
                                                                  A water penetration test per ASTM E331 criteria attempted
            Time and Motion Study                               to draw water through any breaches of the wall surface to
            Table 1 shows the tasks and time associated with installing   the framing under stress according to ASTM E72 guidelines,
            both traditional three-coat stucco and the ArmorStrand   adapted with framing and window installation. The test
            system. These comparisons were based on a 12-foot-by-  sample showed no visible water penetration within the wall
            10-foot standard wall with a window assembly installed in   cavities, thus meeting the established criteria.
            the center of the wall. (The analysis does not include any   In terms of energy performance, the system can be applied to

                          Traditional Three-Coat Stucco

              OSB, Drainage Plane, Window Installation   72 minutes  Drainage Plane, Window Installation   48 minutes
              Bond Break                      20 minutes        LP ArmorStrand with Trim      47 minutes
              Casing Bead/Lath                37 minutes        AquaFlash® Tape/Joint Compound   39 minutes
              Casing Bead/Lath (continued)    47 minutes        Prime                         33 minutes
              Scratch Coat                    66 minutes        Finish                        41 minutes
              Curing Time/Hydration           Not included      TOTAL                         3 hours 28 minutes
              Brown Coat                      91 minutes
              Curing Time/Hydration           Not included
              Finish Coat (assumed same as Dryvit)   41 minutes
              TOTAL (not including Hydration/Cure Time)   6 hours 14 minutes

            Table 1

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