Page 16 - October 2015 Green Builder Magazine
P. 16

Early Adopter. Denver-based New Town Builders
                                                                     was the first production builder to offer a complete
                                                                     net-zero-energy home collection. The HoriZ.E.N.
                                                                     model home is part of the company’s Z.E.N.
                                                                     collection at Stapleton.

                                                                                                                                                  IMAGE CREDIT: NEW TOWN BUILDERS

assemblies utilize BASF’s WALLTITE spray foam insulation,            millennials are eager to interact with their homes and act on data
Enershield liquid-applied weather-resistant barrier and Neopor       about their energy use.
external rigid insulation to maximize strength while controlling
heat, air and moisture.                                                But to accelerate the process, Davenport suggests, why not
                                                                     incentivize behavior change? For example, builders could offer a cash
  “Spray foam is expensive,” says Davenport. “But if we can make     bonus to homeowners if the sum of their first year’s electricity bill falls
it contribute to structure, we can reduce the amount of wood in      under a specified target. By then, the behavior will have become habit.
the assembly.” For example, using 2 x 4 studs, 24 inches on center,
and rigid insulation in place of OSB sheathing adds to energy          At the same time, communicating the benefits of energy-efficient
performance while eliminating approximately 20 to 25 percent         homes to buyers will likely increase demand. For example, as more
of the lumber. The cost savings is almost equal to the cost of the   builders include HERS Index scores (or similar ratings) with their
added high-performance features.                                     homes, more people will start using them as a tool for comparing
                                                                     listings. Many small builders and some of the nation’s largest
  This approach allows for smaller sizing of mechanicals and         production builders, including New Town Builders and KB Home,
increases efficiency by about 50 percent. Taking the building to     already include a HERS score with each new home, along with
net zero comes through a combination of renewable energy and         explanations about how a lower HERS score translates to lower
occupant behavior.                                                   energy bills.

THE EDUCATION CONNECTION                                               Of course, none of this matters if pros don’t have the skills
Even small changes in occupant behavior—shortened showers,           or knowledge to build zero-energy homes. Fortunately, resources
cultivating a new relationship with the thermostat—can save          abound. Recognizing that builders need support, BASF’s
considerable energy, and, as Davenport points out, “behavior is      consultative services provide a bridge for translating high-
free.”                                                               performance building methods to specific projects. The DOE
                                                                     provides practical information through the Building America
  He acknowledges that occupants must somehow be educated            Solutions Center website, and many state and regional governments
in order to change their behavior, and he holds great hope for the   sponsor programs in support of their own zero-energy goals.
younger generation of homeowners. “Millennials are more apt          Hands-on learning opportunities, such as the DOE-sponsored Race
to modify their behavior in order to save money,” he says. “But      to Zero, invite the next generation of pros to design and build
the house needs to ‘tell’ occupants how to drive it.” Tech-savvy     high-performance homes.
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