Page 21 - October 2015 Green Builder Magazine
P. 21

ALTERNATIVE CONSTRUCTION                                                                                                                                              19


Will the cookie-cutter McMansion give way to homes that are powered
by renewable energy, reflect the environment and restore sites?

                                                                                                                                           IMAGE CREDIT: CHANDLER PHOTOGRAPHY 10.2015

Site Response. Designed to meet the standards of the Living Building Challenge, the Desert Rain residence in Bend, Ore., is net-zero

Aenergy and harvests all of the water it needs from the site.             programs such as GreenStar [see Case Study] to national and
              S IMPORTANT AS energy efficiency is, it’s only one          international programs, including LEED, the Living Building
              component of truly sustainable design. But other            Challenge, and the DOE’s Zero Energy Ready Home program,
              concerns are converging to drive a more holistic            include comprehensive criteria that go beyond energy efficiency
              approach. Indoor air quality is one; resource conservation
is another. Water is drawing up alongside energy as —sometimes way beyond. For instance, the DOE program requires

an urgent issue, as people are (finally) making the connection projects to meet the standards of Energy Star 3.0 along with the

between water and energy use. Droughts in Texas and California requirements of the EPA WaterSense and Indoor AirPLUS programs.

are prompting change and opening up opportunities for graywater The Living Building Challenge 3.0 has 20 Imperatives under seven

recycling, and demonstration homes that feature comprehensive “Petal” categories, which cover everything from Biophilia and Urban

water conservation alongside net-zero energy strategies are starting Agriculture to Net-Positive Water and Net-Positive Energy.

to trend. Onsite water harvesting and appropriate landscaping,

including trends toward urban gardening and even animal ONE BUILDER’S STRATEGY

husbandry—are becoming part of an integrated strategy that Michigan-based builder Dan Vos has approached home design

followers of permaculture have been promoting for decades.                and building holistically since he began his career. Though his

Some green building certification programs, from regional                       continued on page 20
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