Page 22 - October 2015 Green Builder Magazine
P. 22
CASE STUDY: “NOOPIMING”background is in energy conservation
D(he has also taught passive solar design),
he promotes a broader agenda through AN VOS OF Vos Energy “We essentially brought the outdoors
Concepts designed and in, which makes the clients very happy,”
his business, Vos Energy Concepts. built this home for John and says Vos.
20 Over time, Vos has come up with
a general “formula” of features and
Marsha Traxler Reeves. The Other salvaged materials were
techniques that results in healthy,efficient
property is special: 11 acres that open out incorporated into the design, including
homes that reflect their surroundings.
He builds almost exclusively with SIPs to an old oxbow overflow from Michigan’s ceiling fans, lighting fixtures, bathroom
and ICFs. “People are getting more Muskegon River. Noopiming means “In sinks and a bathtub. Vos also sourced
familiar with [ICF construction],” he the woods” in the local Native American reused tempered glass in the loft railings,
says. “I think of it as the adobe for the language, and bringing that element into and old school chalkboards served as
northern region, and you don’t have to the home was a priority. window ledges in the thick ICF walls.
worry about air sealing.” He also favors
Vos used ICF construction for the walls
fiber cement siding, since woodpeckers A small Mitsubishi mini-split heat pump
are hard on wood. Complementing his (R-22) and I-joists for the roof (R-40), with and a small Hearthstone Tribute woodstove
energy-efficient envelopes, he often uses glulam center beams and a frost-protected supplement the electric boiler, and an S&P
mini-split heat pumps and radiant in- shallow foundation (R-22). The radiant heat ERV brings a continuous supply of fresh
floor heating on frost-free slabs. floor is insulated with four inches of EPS air into the home.
underneath (R-22).
“Most homes in Michigan have Noopiming has earned Michigan’s
basements,” he says. “I do a lot of frost-
“These aren’t extravagant numbers, yet first GreenStar Gold certification. In this
free shallow foundations. If you have
an insulated slab, you might as well put with a very tight house we achieved a HERS program, which is overseen by the non-
radiant tubing in it.” rating of 16 in a very cold climate,” says profit GreenHome Institute, projects earn
A HEALTHY BUSINESS Vos. A 7.5-kW solar PV and solar thermal points in five different categories: Energy,
panel systems also helped achieve this Health, Water, Materials and Place. The
When his wife was diagnosed as impressive score. program considers how these elements
chemically sensitive with chronic fatigue are affected systematically by the seven
syndrome, Vos began focusing on Some trees were harvested from the site components of a home, which include
eliminating toxins, researching products to gain solar access. Vos used trunks from Outdoor/Site, Building Envelope Systems,
and testing the air inside buildings. these trees for porch posts, limbs for stair Mechanicals, Electrical/ Lighting, Plumbing
posts, branches for spindles and branch joints Systems and Fixtures, Finish Materials and
In addition to providing superior for drawer/door pulls. He sourced some oak Coatings and Waste Management.
comfort, radiant heating is better for which had been sawn up 20 years ago and
indoor air quality than forced air. Vos planed it for the loft floor, trim and cabinetry. 10.2015always installs either an HRV or ERV in
his homes to ensure healthy interiors.
IMAGE CREDIT: VOS ENERGY CONCEPTSEach of his homes also receives blower
door testing and a HERS Index score. Wood Accents. The countertops
and windowsills in the bathroom
Vos encourages the use of local, are made from old dark walnut.
natural and salvaged materials, and
reducing impact through efficient
design—a strategy neatly summarized
in the first statement describing his
approach: “Small house, large feel.”
Like Madeen, Vos credits the Internet
with expanding his clientele, which he
describes as a mix of retirees, young
families and people interested in self-
sufficiency. He has seen a shift since
the last economic downturn, and more
clients are “very into” the green aspects
of their homes’ designs.
“I believe public perception has
changed,” says Vos. “People have
started to re-think what they need and
want in a house.”