Page 17 - October 2015 Green Builder Magazine
P. 17


Getting the                                                                                                                                                                         15
Carbon Out

Innovative redesigns of established construction materials and methods
may hold the key to lowering the embodied energy of buildings.

UNTIL RECENTLY, USING construction materials with                                                                                                    IMAGE CREDIT: © JACOB SNAVELY 10.2015
                 high embodied energy has been viewed as “worth
                 it,” if those materials contribute to higher energy     Local Sourcing. The color of the blocks comes from the locally
                 performance while the building is occupied. But as      sourced mineralogy of the recycled aggregates. In this case, the
                 buildings become more energy efficient, construction    rhyolite material is sourced from an adjacent quarry 200 yards
  materials make up a greater proportion of the total carbon             from the factory.
     Not surprisingly, we’re seeing more attempts to develop low-        steam-curing. They are made by compressing aggregates—often
  carbon alternatives to some commonly used building materials           recycled or waste material— with reactive “geopolymers,” using
  with high embodied energy, or at the very least, to replace some       a specially designed hydraulic machine that utilizes levers to
  of the content with “low-carbon” substitutes—spray foams with          drastically increase the compressive force.
  some percentage of bio-based materials, for example, or concrete in
  which some of the Portland cement has been replaced with fly ash.        Normally, the sand or gravel in concrete masonry units is
     On the surface, the Watershed Block doesn’t look like a disruptive  washed clean of the reactive fines.
  building material. The blocks resemble cinderblocks, only more
  colorful and varied, and they have the same dimensions as any            “We’ve discovered the dust on this gravel, which is silt and clay
  masonry unit. But Watershed Block, which is being developed by         particles, is valuable,” says Easton. “The silt and clay work together
  David Easton, Joe Dahmen and Dr. Jose Munoz, has the potential         to bind particles together, and the material becomes very durable
  to transform masonry construction into a low-carbon industry           when compressed.” Easton’s team has experimented with different
  that supports local communities.                                       materials, searching for the best formulas of geopolymers from

  COMING SOON: EARTH MASONRY UNITS                                                                                             continued on page 17
  Concrete masonry units, or CMUs, are a versatile and speedy
  construction material. But they contain Portland cement, the
  manufacture of which requires extremely high temperatures.
  (Manufacturing one ton of Portland cement creates approximately
  one ton of carbon emissions.) Crushing the aggregate and cleaning
  the sand and gravel components require additional energy.

     By contrast, the Watershed Block contains half to none of the
  Portland cement of regular CMUs, and the blocks don’t require
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