Page 24 - October 2015 Green Builder Magazine
P. 24



  The New
  Natural Building

           Designers and builders are refining natural building systems for
           performance and speed of construction.

EARTHEN CONSTRUCTION IS ancient. Rammed 10.2015
              structures in China can be dated to as early as 5000
              BC. Adobe buildings erected in the desert Southwest of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            IMAGE CREDIT: GREG MADEEN
              the United States still stand after centuries. In Europe,
              400-hundred-year-old timber-framed, wattle-and-daub        Mud Stud Wall. Hand-packing cob (a mixture of sand, clay, straw
  structures are still inhabited. In fact, the connection with time-     and water) into a stud-framed wall adds thermal mass, sound
  honored practices is what draws many people to natural building        insulation and fireproofing.
     These systems can claim many advantages over modern                 He spent many years developing techniques to increase the speed
  construction. The materials are often locally sourced. They’re         of construction—and consequently, to reduce costs. More recently,
  non-toxic. The resulting structures are strong, fireproof and          he has changed tactics and begun developing Watershed Block: a
  aesthetically pleasing. And yet, most of these methods have been       unitized material that doesn’t require teaching old dogs new tricks.
  pushed to the fringe, at least in the U.S. Why?
     Part of the problem is perception. Many people think of natural     BUILDING A REPUTATION
  materials as the domain of barefoot hippies, building weirdly          Even though the methods may be relegated to the fringes, many
  shaped organic houses without blueprints. Some people don’t            architects and builders committed to natural materials have forged
  “trust” construction methods that employ natural materials,
  assuming they are stuck back in some unenlightened century.
     “One of the biggest barriers to wider adoption is misinformation,”
  says Colorado-based architect Greg Madeen. “For example, people
  say, ‘straw bale rots.’ Yet wood is cellulose, just as straw bale is
     David Easton, engineer turned rammed earth expert, calls the
  effort to push natural materials onto a skeptical, conservative
  industry a “Sisyphean struggle.” But in a presentation titled “The
  Virtues of Earth,” Easton explains another ironic turn that has held
  up the mainstreaming of rammed earth.
     Once architects began to design rammed earth buildings, “it
  became accidentally expensive,” he says. “It went from rough,
  rugged and affordable to sophisticated, refined and expensive.”
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