Page 7 - 2022 Tryst Preview 24
P. 7

almost exactly...

                     She stomped up the stairs like a heart-crushed
              teenager, giving Thomas and his letter the silent
              treatment.   Achilles protested her forgetfulness of his
              empty dinner dish, but she didn't hear him.   At three in
              the morning, poor Achilles could no longer contain his
              hunger passively.  She got up to his incessant howls,
              begging his forgiveness.   She would not get it, and
              although one of them ate, neither of them slept the rest
              of the night.

                     At six o’clock, the sun finally broke through her
              night of frustrated darkness.   She fed Achilles breakfast
              and poured herself a cup of tea.  Then, even though her
              better judgment scolded her to ignore the pages, she
              inhaled deeply and gave Thomas' letter another


                     It was well past two when Karyn awoke slightly
              frightened and near crying.   Her sleep had been
              disturbed by a host of unnerving dreams.  Among them
              were nightmares of embarrassing encounters with
              people she respected and loved, blunders made under
              the pretense of romantic interludes, and missed
              opportunities due to a steady shortage of self-
              confidence.   Yet sweet calm returned to her as she
              turned to see Jacob nestled peacefully by her side.   He
              seemed perfectly content, oblivious to the troubles that
              awakened her.   His strong, comforting arms lay gently
              upon the bed, reaching out to her.   Though she
              somehow wriggled from his embrace during the night, it
              amazed her how he was still there, inviting her back to
              him.   It was an invitation she was tempted to accept.

              Diana Kathryn Plopa             7                     A Tryst of Fate
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