Page 16 - 2022 Tryst Sneak Peak 24
P. 16

Lost in her own thoughts and the sensation of the
        warm rain upon her face, Karyn closed her eyes and
        tried to capture the moment in her heart for all of
        eternity.   She feared she would never again delight in
        this kind of pure joy.   Living in the moment, capturing the
        sensations of seconds, was a learned process.   She
        struggled to break down wall after wall to climb through
        the rubble of denial and self-loathing to get to the now.
        She was still not wholly proficient… but at least she was
        trying and recognizing its importance.   This point, in itself,
        was an area of tremendous growth for her.   And at last,
        she felt proud.

               Gillian felt the hair on the back of her neck stand
        up as she came to the same realization captured in
        Thomas's words.   It had been a very long road, with
        more frustration and sorrow than she thought possible.
        But he was right.   The hot coals she walked were simply
        smoldering rubble now.   True, she would never forget,
        but at least now, she was beginning to learn endurance.
        Given the mountain she climbed, he was right; this was a
        time of tremendous growth for her.   Although she could
        not yet articulate the lessons, she knew they were there...
        guiding her choices and her grief.


               Silently, Jacob came up behind her and cradled
        her in his arms.  The rain was relentless, mingling with the
        tears now streaming down her cheeks.   She felt
        wonderfully released from the pain that shadowed her
        over the past several months.   It was nice.   How she
        missed love in her life and the want to feel it.   So much
        of those emotions she'd pushed away because of the
        frequently horrific outcome.   Rejection and ridicule now

        Diana Kathryn Plopa              16                   A Tryst of Fate
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